The February Tech Session was very active and well attended with about 20 members and three visitors present.
Ray Yanus, one of our guests, had brought along a problematic black flat top clock that he needed help with. Roy Bryant was glad to help him out. Before the Tech Session was over, both Roy and Ray announced that they were well pleased with their resolution of the problems.
Ben Fulbright presented a short program about the two faced street
clock which is located on the Strand in Galveston. This clock was made by the Gillette Clock Company, a concern that apparently made only a relatively few similar clocks. All were apparently slave clocks, requiring a master clock for proper timekeeping operation. The clock dates from the 1920’s and its early history is unknown.
The street clock, colloquially known as the lollypop clock, was discovered in a San Antonio, Texas, warehouse about 1980. It was subsequently purchased by Sullivan Enterprises of Galveston, and donated for installation in Galveston in 1989. The initial
restoration at this time was accomplished by former Chapter 139 member Billy Young (now deceased) of Dallas. The original master clock unit has never been recovered and likewise the master unit, which Billy used, has not been located. Ben and Drew Lundgren, another active Chapter member, will provide a master clock unit for this installation. Hopefully the clock will be re-installed in the next month or so. It has not operated since at least Hurricane Ike (2008) and possibly since considerably before that. Interestingly, the dials for the clock are quarter inch glass and the clock will be illuminated. The Galveston Historical Foundation is currently restoring these dials.
During the Tech Session of last month, several clocks were bought in as possible candidates for restoration for the Chapter Silent Auction during the upcoming All-Texas Chapters Regional Meeting. Ben suggested that one in particular, a French statue clock, be restored by the Chapter and donated to the Bishop’s Palace in Galveston. This landmark has been taken over by the Galveston Historical Foundation.
There is also a potential project in the Heights for a restoration of a more modern four faced street clock.
Tech Session of 6/12/2010
This was our second official Technical Session of 2010. Several clock and watch problems were addressed. Some of which included: clock main spring removal from barrel, chiming clock movement alignment, making lathe parts, and pocket watch trouble shooting.
A mini demonstration was given on a wickless alcohol burner.
Tech Session of 7/10/2010
This was the session to attend if you wanted to learn how to remove main springs from barrels, remove loop springs from movements safely, clean springs, find out what lubricants work best on main springs, differences in the type of spring winders etc.
Mike Helfrich gave a mini session on, you guessed it, main springs and, as an added bonus, donated schematics for building a tool that measures spring length while the spring is still in the barrel (below). An Excel program, not a requirement for the tool, for main spring calculations was also donated for all to use. I will post them as soon as I get them uploaded and into the proper format. He wrapped up the session by demonstrating how to polish clock pivots without a lathe.
Del Robinson demonstrated barrel main spring, loop spring removal from movement and rust removal. He is a WD-40 fan for this cleaning procedure but does not recommend it be used on anything else and stated that the spring be cleaned thoroghly before applying lubricant to the spring. Discussion of various spring winders ensued.
Pocket watch disassembly, cleaning and assembly is progressing smoothly.
The coffee and doughnuts were greatly appreciated by all.
Diagram of main spring length measuring tool by Mike Helfrich.
Tech Session of 9/11/2010
This was the noisest session yet. A mixed bag of clocks were brought in for some sort of service. It started by setting up a grand father, adjusting a chime movement to non-sticking mode, slowing down a large Tiffany Never Wind, and other wall clock repairs. The pocket watch session took a little detour as a broken pinion was found on the escape wheel.
Tech Session of 10/09/2010
And I thought last month's session was noisy. Clock problems such as no strike, escapement adjustment and chime adjustment were brought up. Most were solved during the session and members went home with more knowledge and bellies full of kalochies, doughnuts and coffee. Don brought in a Unimat-sl lathe in order to get some info on it. Tony had to have a balance staff replaced in his watch but finally got his watch movement completed and timed. Now we are on the hunt for a bow for his case. Two members brought in watches for diagnosis and learn a little bit about their history. They were identified as 18 size Illinois and American Waltham watches from the 1890s and early 1900s. Both are classics and mainly needed a good thorough cleaning and adjustment.
Don brought in a mystery tool. Do you know what it is?
Tech Session of 11/13/2010
Tech Sessions 12/11/2010 and 01/08/2011 attracted 14 and 12 members respectively. Clocks were brought in with mainly strike and pendulum problems.
Members have been bringing in their skeleton clock projects to work on.
Pocket watches are brought in with various problems but most just need a thorough dissassembly and cleaning. Remember, if a pocket watch is in clean shape and does not run properly, it might just have a worn out (set) main spring. Blue metal springs can loose their 'springiness' with age. Also, some owners do not care to get into the process of repairing pocket and wrist watches and, I somehow understand as they are usually more detailed than clocks, need more specialized tools and can be so small that parts can only be manipulated with tweezers. Bring them in anyhow if you have questions about them especially if you plan on taking it to a shop for servicing. It is always nice to have some idea of what it will take to get your watch running prior to taking it to a repair shop.
Marcus Bush brought in several hand outs. They include: 1)identifying trade marks of numerous German clock companies, 2) self winding clock voltage guide, and 3) dating of a Seth Thomas #2 regulator.
Tech Session of 3/12/2011
Saturday's adventure into the art of clock and watch repair was a pleasent way to spend the morning. I want to personally thank everyone for all the doughnuts, kaloches and coffee. I haven't yet figured out how to get everyone to alternate so we don't have too much of the snackie stuff but, who cares, it was great.
Thank you Marcus for the pics. Tony finished assembling his watch and giving it an initial first wind. He will oil and time it dluring next months session. (more info to follow)
Tech Session of 4/09/2011
No documentation for this session.
Tech Session of 5/14/2011
John Schmieg, Master Woodworker, gave everyone attending the session a preview of what he will be presenting at the One Day Show on the 21st. Of course, his One Day presentation will be without chemicals but consider it an introduction to a two day class that will soon be available to Chapter members. The Board is leaning toward 10 students per class. At the most twelve. Students can bring in their own projects or just attend and learn basic restoration techniques. A small fee, to be determined, will be required but will be reasonable. The outline is still under construction.
Ray Mattingly came from Baytown to share his techniques on bushing spring barrels. He does about five barrels a week at his work and pretty much does it in his sleep. I might be exagerating a little here but he repairs dozens a month. Thank you Ray for your demo and also showing us you super delux arm on your spring winder.
Dan Riley brought in two Morbier clock movements to show attendees and get some advice on part repair. The three bell movement has a broken part, I can't remember which one, and a discussion ensued. A conclusion was made too!
Tech Session of 9/10/2011
Tech Session of 10/08/2011
Tech Session of 2/11/2012
Tech Sessions the past couple of months have been so active and busy that everyone forgot to take photos. I managed to squeeze in a few shots during the January session and are presented here. Click on them to view and read explainations.
Tech Session of 1/14/2012
Gregory Graham and I were busy re-assembling his pocket watch so did not have much time to see what others were doing. I do know Marcus was assisting on the replacement of a main spring for a mantle clock movment (see pics).
Tech Session of 3/10/2012
All the rain couldn't keep members away from saturday's Tech Session. There were so many demos given that there was hardly any time to work on individual projects. I did notice that several clocks were being repared and two watches saw a screw driver or two. Everyone had a great time especially when it was announced that a fellow member from Dallas contributed clock movements to be given away to participants. There is just nothing like free stuff to a clock person.
Tech Session of 5/14/2012
Ben Fulbright brought in a Roasting Jack for everyones view. It runs approximately 4 hours and will hold 40 lbs of meat. It rotates back and forth just like a 400 day or anniversary clock. Picture the round rack with hooks as a pendulum of an anniversary clock to give a better idea of how it works.
Tech Session of 6/9//2012
Copyright 2010 NAWCC San Jacinto Chapter 139
Tech Session of 11/10//2012
We had a show 'n tell from some of the members. The first item was a cast iron front wood case showing a natural scene. What was so interesting were the critters that included a rat. Oh, how interests have changed. Thanks Ben.
The second item were some Butterworth bushing bearings where a clock plate is bored out to fit the bearing and then the bushing is fitted within it. Most considered this type of adaption not necessary but, interesting. Thanks Bob Carlson for bringing them.
The third item was a Muckle pocket watch case housing a Elgin, model 7, 21jewel, with 24 hour dial. The main purpose was to demonstrate that the Muckle case was special in that it is reversible and made into either an open face or hunter case watch.
Participants are going to start a project building up a skeleton clock kit that is shown above. Let us know if you are interested in joining the build up.
Tech Session of 12/8//2012
Several activities were going on and near mid session Marcus gave a lesson in how to ID the different gears of a bim bam movement.
Tech Session of 01/12/2013
Del Rolison amd John Trego presented a well structured session on machine and hand bushing. Del started off by using the bushing press and exlplaining the basic steps for correct busing. He also offered plenty of tips and recommendations as well as how to polish pivots with a home made tool. The second half of the presentation was dedicated to John showing the proper procedures for bushing by hand. This latter procedure is a satisfactory means of bushing a worn pivot hole especially if one does it only once in awhile.
Marcus Bush brought in a Ansonia Novelty Calendar clock for show and tell. This clock has a calendar feature that out of the ordinary in that the numbers of the month are on a paper scroll. The photos below show the clock and the date scoll. The last photo are two knobs used for turning the scroll back for a new month. It certainly is a novelty.
Additional contributor: Becky Bush
Tech Session of 2/9//2013
Show and Tell Session - Liz Lundgren and Darrah Artzner brought in a couple of clocks to show and gave a bit of history of each.
Spring Barrel Maintenance Session
Strike Count Wheel Instruction
Tech Session of 4/13/2013
Three plate wood movement
Chapter Sponsored Silent Auction donations
Gustav Becker spring wound grande sonnerie
Photos by Darrah Artzner and Becky Bush
Andy Staton brought in several movements to demonstrate the action of strike count wheel time keeping. He gave a good overview of the process and recommended specific reading material that would describe the chiming process in detail. Attendees immediately thought of having a two day class on the movement.
John Hubby examined a Gustav Becker grande sonnierie in detail and was genuinly happy to be near it. This is one of two known to exist. All others known are weight driven.
Someone brought in a three plate wood movement and was inquiring as to how it should be cleaned. John Hubby suggested a complete disassembly. Taking off the screwed on back plate will give access to two pins that secure one end on the middle plate. Removal of these pins will allow the middle plate bottom to swing out for removal.
Here are some clocks that several members signed out for restoration. The finished products will be in the Chapter sponsored Silent Auction during the August Regional
Tech Session of 3/9//2013
Te main purpose of this months presentation was to make clock enthusiasts more aware of what comprises a balance movement and what to look for when in the market for one, determining its condition, what will damage it (THE FINGER), and how to safely remove it from a movement prior to cleaning the movement and reinstallation after. It is a complex topic and trying to keep the presentation within two hours was difficult even though nothing got repaired. But, after all, it was only a demo. Doing such repairs on various items within the balance movement can take hours to days depending on what problems are encountered.
I thank John Trego, Marcus Bush and Gary Briggs for supplying additional movements that were used during the demonstration. Three types of balance movements were shown and described, namely, floating, platform and suspended. I did not photograph these examples since I was busy dealing with the bench work, however, I will try and get some examples up before too long. Darrah
Tech Session of 5/18/2013
This session was devoted to all the clocks donated for the August Regional Chapter sponsored Silent Auction. Attending members sruveyed the clocks to assess the degree of servicing each clock would need to bring it to reasonable quality. Several members took clocks home for rescue. Some need a good cleaning where a few others need some bezel soldering and movement part repair or replacement.
Tech Session of 6/08/2013
Photos by D. Artzner and B. Bush
This nice little Gilbert gong shelf clock on the right will be in the Silent Auction in August. Right now it has just gone through an overhaul that included the installation of two main springs (note the broken ends), gear repair and a thorough brass cleaning to remove corrosion spots. The case is now being cleaned and will get a coat of wax.
Drew Lundgren gave a super presentation on the spring lever escapement. Read more when viewing the photo gallery.
Tech Session of 7/13/2013
Here on the left is an example of one of the fine watches that were available for sale to attendees. This Hamilton 19j marked 996 watch is housed in a 14k white gold case with the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen inscription on the back. Super runner too!
Photos by D. Artzner and B. Bush
The July Tech Session hosted a fascinating man and his wife by the name of Peter and Hazel Havard. The Havard’s now live in Highlands but have traveled extensively through his work, which was an underwater diver and welder. Peter told the Chapter Members a story of raising an ammunition barge that had been sunk in the Mekong River in Viet Nam and was blocking the passage of other barges. Peter had the group literally holding their breath as he described how he was trapped under this barge for an hour and forty minutes while repairs were being made to the equipment on land.
Peter also told of teaching Jacques Cousteau and his sons how to weld under water and was rewarded by having dinner prepared for him by Mr. Cousteau.
During the downtime in his travels he loved to visit flea markets and became fascinated by pocket watches. It was this collection of fifty-five watches that brought the Havard’s to the Tech Session. An e-blast was sent out recruiting help to price these watches for sale. Joe Lopez, assisted by Val Link, Brian Martin, Dave Pasternak and others, took charge of the assessment. With the help of the latest price guide, these guys were able to assist the Havard’s with their quest. At the end of the session several watches were sold to interested buyers.
I don’t know who had more fun during this session, the Havard’s or the Chapter members that came to meet and assist in the appraisals. (M/B. Bush)
Tech Session of 8/10/2013
The Technical Session folks had many movement problems to solve and everyone was busy trying to fix them prior to working on pre-registration packets for the Regional. One of the clock movements went away un-repaired as it was going to take more time than the owner had available as it would need a complete dismantling, cleaning and fine tuning. The Silent Auction clocks now total between 45 and 50 are now ready for the big event. Any remaining non-working clocks will be kept back and restored for next year.
Tech Session of 9/14/2013
Every Technical session brings surprises and this was no exception. Several folks brought in items for Show & Tell. Clocks with interesting inscriptions, clocks for setting other clocks, clocks detailing a small fraction of life way back when, and small clock parts that are not made today but are needed. Unfortunately, I missed out on most of the presentations as I was helping fellow members diagnose watch problems. I guess I need to stop my work and join in on all the mini presentations.
Tech Session of 10/12/2013
Attendees at this session had a good experience learning how to repair a main spring winding wheel click and click spring. Ken brought in spare parts and old wheels that could be used for obtaining parts. He started by removing the damaged part and discussed the rivitening process for attaching the click. He also cautioned about riviting too tight as the click has be be free to move when winding a main spring. There is a picture of a tool he uses to guarantee a little space when closing the rivit.
The few pictures present above cannot do justice to Ken's fine presentation. Plan to attend if you need to know more about solving clock or watch problems.
Tech Session of 11/02/2013
Recent survey says: buyers made some super deals and sellers did not make as much as they would have liked. They never do. Ha! All in all, everyone seemed to enjoy this combo session for the 2013 season. Marcus brought in the third and final batch of estate clocks (80) for sale. Part of the Chapter's benefit to members is to assist on the valuation and dispersion of collections. This show was a perfect example of a portion of that process.
I might add that the Chapter would like to thank Grace Community Church for supporting our cause by providing us with such a wonderful space for promoting our form of religion. It is difficult to find such decent locations and we trust that both parties have gained a benefit from the process. THANK YOU!
Darrah Artzner brought in his lathe, staking set and associated tools to present the process of staffing a watch balance to watch enthusiasts. The basic premise was to define each process of staffing and what tools were needed to complete the job. The steps to replacing staff and getting it into final running form are: remove damaged staff, staff selection and where to locate; truing blance wheel and poising; attaching new staff; sizing pivots; brief mention on timing.
Ben Fulbright gave attendees a great presentation on tools needed to repair most clock movements. He brought plenty of examples and described them in detail. His caution was to use good quality tools and and keep the serated pliers away as they will leave teeth marks on the parts. This is truly a sign of poor repair. He finish up by mentioning the use of proper oils and would up unrolling his fabulous tool box (see pics below).
Tech Session of 12/14/2013
This very informal session began by Marcus Bush and Ben Fulbright leading a twenty minute discussion on why our City of Houston Tower Clock plans and proposals went array. Among those several reasons were insurance, in-house drug policy, dollars to be charged and OSHA.
The “Show and Tell” session was of a very special Illinois pocket watch that Becky Bush gave Marcus for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Tim Glanzman gave an excellent program on “A Systematic Approach to Estimate Clock Values” He used as his example Seth Thomas #2 Regulators listed and sold on e-bay from March through December 2013. He incorporated condition, authenticity, and cost in his study. Tim Glanzman also won the $20 cash door prize.
There was no new business or Board of Director votes taken.
Tech Session of 1/11/2014
Darrah Artzner was first up in the “Show and Tell” format with a discussion on Seth Thomas pocket watches. He brought three Seth Thomas pocket watches to show that a clock company could, if it set its mind to it, produce some excellent watches. He briefly discussed the companies' production and presented three examples of their better grades. Seth Thomas is generally known for their production of lower to medium grade watches and the examples were to provide some assurance and incentive that there are some super watches by the Seth Thomas Watch Comapny that can be found and are worth the effort of collecting. The lower grades in Darrah's view are also great for collecting.
There were about twenty-four attendees at the January Tech Session held at Turn Key Coatings. It was good to see long time Chapter members, Jack and Elenor Goldberg, in from Washington State. Although there was no formal program or workshop scheduled it was a very lively session once the Show and Tell program got under way. And, once again, the Chapter would like to thank all those who brought snacks and drinks for attendees.
Ken Arnold brought two unusual factory altered movements made to be installed in shelf cuckoos. He is currently refurbishing old cases for the movements.
Ben Fulbright then showed and discussed an old English or French cow tail movement alarm clock. It was most unusual as the bell for the alarm was outside and completely surrounded the movement. Ben also donated the first three clocks for our Chapter sponsored silent auction during the August Regional.
Marcus Bush read some excerpts from two letters from an 87 year old member in Florida. She was most grateful for the battery operated clock winder that Ben donated and Becky Bush mailed to her in the name of Chapter 139
Diagnosing clock problems. Dan Riley and Clyde Crouch for sure.
There was a very informal one hour discussion about out upcoming All Texas Chapters Regional in August. There are a few minor details to be worked out such as hours for public day, cash door prizes, Mart Room opening time, silent auction items, main exhibit subject and food.
And then there was Nita Mixon showing her purchase of a lifetime. She was able to buy a #5 long pendulum Fashion in decent shape for $20.
The forum discussed the importance of our next Board of Directors meeting in February. This is our Annual Chapter Meeting with the election of officers. There will be some discussions made as referenced above about the upcoming Regional. by Marcus Bush
Tech Session of 3/15/2014
This was a very successful Technical Session especially since I did not have to work on watches and could appreciate the other activities being conducted. The Session started off with a Show & Tell, followed by Tim Glanzman giving a hands on demonstration of pivot polishing and burnishing.
The Board had a meeting and discussed the topic for the Main Regional Exhibit, Tri-Fold, mailing of registration forms, etc. Gordon Shahin brought in the newly acquired camera for the Chapter for taping future technical demonstrations. Having these demonstrations on file will be a valuable aid for others learning clock and watch repair techniques.
Tech Session of 4/12/2014
President Marcus Bush open up the mini session about 9:00am by introducing Shaun Clarke to the folks. He just spent six weeks at the NAWCC school for horologists and gave members an enthusiastic description of the school and classes attended which were both clock and watch related. He stated that it was an expensive vacation but well worth it. He left photos of his experience at home but luckily Edward McDowell, who just spent a couple of weeks taking watch classes there, provided plenty to help out. Thanks to you both!
Ben Fulbright then took over the session and provided the Tech Day attendees an update on the Galveston Historical Foundation street clock located on the Strand in Galveston. The movement has been delivered to the GHF for installation. This movement restoration was done under the guise of Chapter 139 as a volunteer operation. Drew Lundgren provided the master unit for operation of the slave movement. Ben and Andy Staton provided the restoration of the movement and advice for installation and final activation. There is a similar clock, though much newer, in Houston which the Chapter will be doing some restoration work. Stand by for updates on that matter.
Ben then followed that with a short presentation on Master Clocks, specifically IBM and International clocks. He stated that most of these types of clocks were utilized in schools. Clocks by most other makers will generally be just some variation on the workings. There were some sample movements and clocks passed around for hands-on examination. One was a sample of the clocks in question. There was also an example that utilizes a set of extra contact points from the side. There was also a specially adapted movement which had an electric clock motor to run it and a strange once-per-second contact point closure activation for some purpose or another. Finally there was one clock for demonstration of the hinge question addressed above. By the way, Ben is the ‘go to’ guy for this sort of clock.
Ben provided several slave clock movements for anyone to take if they so desired. These were removed from a Houston school several years ago.

Tech Session of 5/10/2014
This was a full work session for clocks.
Yours truly brought in a vault timer to show an alternative use for pocket watch movements. The only change was the replacement of the main spring barrel with an idler gear mated with an external barrel for a much larger main spring. The spring was partially wound so that consistent power was always available to the movement. This particular timer could be set for up to 72 hours. I have seen others up to 115 hours in alarm boxes. Here are some photos.
Tech Session of 6/14/2014
The session was abuzz with about 25 current members and one new member, Jerry Downs, present. Tim Glanzman began the session with an interesting “show and tell”. It was a copy of a book cover by Stan Czubernat on Elgin Trench Watches. The author called Tim’s company, Turn Key Coatings, regarding plating several watch cases to be used on the cover of this book.
Even though this isn’t a clock related subject Tim warned everyone about a terrible computer virus called Ransom which attacks data as well as programs. This virus can be removed fairly easy but unless you have current backup files you will have to pay the $500 ransom in order to get your files released.
Ben Fulbright showed a restored black mantle clock belonging to the Bishops Palace in Galveston (pic below). He suggested that the clock could possibly be delivered during a Chapter field trip or by several members of the Chapter for a photo shoot.
Ben also asked if anyone could talk about mercury pendulums. The group all agreed that the mercury was a temperature compensating method and should be used in calculated amounts according to your pendulum length. Ben also showed a Japanese 8-day gallery wall clock with a very heavy movement.
Ben introduced a gadget to see if anyone knew what it was used for. Darrah Artzner said that it could be used to cut down leather watch bands, maybe, but thought it just might be a cutter that removes consistent widths of any relatively soft material. Nitta \Mixon then found a picture of it on the web and it stated that it was a cigar cutter. Hummm................Multi use?
Marcus passed around a bezel for a Olie Risinger banjo he was restoring for the All Texas Chapters Regional auction. The bezel needed more height to accommodate the works and the hands. Jim Birchfield, an excellent wood worker and Chapter member, volunteered to do this. He did an excellent job.
Darrah Artzner donated a hundred and eighty five pounds of clock books (pics below) for the Silent Auction. He acquired them from a fellow Chapter 149 member up in Boston, MA that was trying to find them a good home. There are some good ones in that pile.
Tech Session of 7/12/2014
We had some interesting unscheduled Show and Tells that seemed to pop up from nowhere. Marcus Bush brought in a French clock movment that puzzled many as to how the chime and time sides could be wound by one chain and weight (below). The chime side had a standard winding wheel with click and reversible arbor while the time side had no click or rotating arbor for winding. (It is a little difficult to describe here). One suggestion was that the chain was a continuous loop and that the weight could be moved from the lower portion of the chain to an upper position to replace the step of winding. The answer was that the chain was snaked through the winding gears that provided a drop down of the chain in the center with the weight attached. I still don't understand it.
About three quarters into the session, Darrah Artzner was asked about the watch he was wearing by a fellow member and then he remembered that it was his high fashon 'blind man's' wrist watch that is so unique that anyone could wear in style. Time is indicated by ball bearings that run in tracks and are moved by magnetic "hands" underneath the dial. The hour bearing runs in a track on the side of the titanium case while the minutes bearing track is positioned on the face. The view below reads twelve minutes until six. He bought it to support a good cause and liked it so much that he has since purchased a couple more to donate to local blind support groups. The watch is made by a company named eONE and this particular style is called The Bradley. Do a Google search on The Bradley watch or eONE or just click the link Darrah has no interest in the company other than he just thinks it is for a good cause. Besides, it is a sharp looking watch anyone can wear.
Del Rolson brought in a french clock that just did not want to chime correctly. It was discovered that the xxxx lever was bent and just plain out of wack. He unwacked it.
Tech Session of 8/09/2014
A large group of Chapter Members welcomed Doug Henderson and Carol and Arthur Madrid. There was no planned program but as always “Show and Tell” brought out interesting items.
Drew Lundgren passed around a glass brush which is a fiberglass stick used to clean dials and brass. He did caution the group that you have to use caution while using the glass brush because of the fiber “dust”.
Stanley Pryor brought a Hermle grandfather movement, complete and in the original box that he purchased 30 some years ago. While he was still in high school he purchased a movement like this and built the grandfather case for his Mom. Several years later he made another clock for his Mother-in-law. Stan has promised his wife, Donna, that he would complete this clock soon. This would make an excellent anniversary present. What are you waiting for?
Darrah Artzner shared a Andrews wood works shelf clock that he just repaired for the Chapter auction. The back of the dial documented its history back to 1830.
Ben Fulbright brought a “plumb bob” that contained mercury. This gadget was still in the box. He asked the group if they knew why it would contain mercury. One member thought that this would still the weight and give a more accurate reading.
Tim Glanzman proudly displayed the first kitchen clock that he ever purchased. James Spivey, who recently passed away, was the fine gentleman who sold him this clock. Nothing unusual about the clock but there is great sentiment connected to it. James was a great mentor and clock repair teacher to Tim as well as others.
With no more show and tell items Ben updated members about the Houston Tower clock which is up and running. The work continues on the lollipop clock in Galveston. The Heights street clock is still in the works.
Ben also said that the Chapter would be receiving catalogues and items for the Regional registration goody bag from both Merritts and Time Savers. He also encouraged several more nominations for Fellow awards for deserving individuals in our Chapter.
Ken Arnold mentioned that Merritts is discontinuing the boxes of 100 bushings. For years this has been the cheapest way to purchase these. Order them while you still can.
Board of Directors Meeting
John Trego reported that the Regional was shaping up good but there were a few loose ends to tie up.
Avin Brownlee reported that we had 194 registrants, 159 tables, 49 for the breakfast banquet and 149 rooms rented.
Joe and Nita Mixon will transport the Chapter Auction items, registration equipment and jewelers cases on Thursday morning.
John encouraged members to come help set up, cover and mark the tables in the mart room.
The Friday night Chapter Auction will be catered by James Coney Island. The hotel will set up a cash bar and will put out extra water dispensers.
Tech Session of 9/13/2014
Attendance was a bit on the lean side, most probably wore out after the big show, but good grief they were an active and noisy group. Great crowd!
The session started off with Darrah Artzner presenting his miniature gun metal Waterbury carriage clock in original leather felt lined case. Tim Glanzman then took the stage and gave his presentation on setting up a spreadsheet for documenting collection items and explaining its importance in doing it. He offered the template to anyone that is interested. Shaun Clarke was kind enough to contribute his template that he built for watch collecting. Both are provided at the bottom of this frame. Click on the appropriate title and it should prompt you with options on how to save it.
Three members brought in problem clocks for a solution. One was a complete dismantle and clean job, another was a cuckoo clock chain problem and the third was, well, I don't know but there were several parts lying around after a serious discussion.
Tech Session of 10/11/2014
This was a very lively Tech Session with twenty four members present. The Chapter welcomed Giovanni Santarsiere, a new member.
Bob Kleeman brought in a glass faced clock looking for some assistance. The problem was that the hour hand could not be removed. This clock passed to just about everyone at the session and several suggestions were made. Hope at least one of them will help.
Albert Rambaud brought in a pretty quartz Accutron clock that features a tuning fork movement. He said he knows it’s quirky and not the norm for this group but that’s the kind of clock he enjoys.
Tim Glanzman held up an item for the group to identify. It was an “old” (from the 1950’s) gadget used to erase 8 track tapes. Tim uses it de-magnetize tools. Tim found this at a garage sale and it was much cheaper that the item you order from the catalogue.
Becky Bush purchased a book titled Clockers by Richard Price. The book caught her attention because she has always referred to our Chapter as the “Clockers” and also the author’s name is the same as her son-in-law. But as she got into the book she realized that the term “Clockers” was also used for a street corner cocane dealer. She is now trying to come up with a new nick name for our group.
Who knew that a tube of lip balm could be used as a quick lubricant for a clock. Ben Fulbright brought us this tip.
Ben also mentioned that the mantle clock was ready to be returned to the Bishop’s Palace in Galveston. Marcus said that he has e-mailed the Galveston Historical Society about the Chapter making the return of this clock a field trip with a tour of the palace and other attractions on the island. Ben suggested that we ask various locations such as the palace, museums, libraries, and doctors offices if the Chapter could leave NAWCC Bulletins and information on the Chapter if their sitting rooms. This is a simple way for our organization to reach the public.
Prior to the Tech Session Darrah Artzner sent an e-blast for Gregory Graham requesting donations of any watch and clock parts for a project being done by the Art Department at Lovett Elementary School. The school is decorating a car titled “A Vehicle in Time” for the annual Houston Art Car Parade. He thanked everyone for their help and promised pictures of the finished project.
Darrah shared with the members an E N Welch (Patti) movement that he was repairing for Sammy Johnson. When he disassembled the movement he discovered that it had two springs in one barrel. He waited to reassemble the clock so that he could show this unusual clock to the group. This is apparently a hard movement to work on. Marcus said that he didn’t know what Darrah was charging Sammy for this job but he bet the next Welch movement like this the price would go up.
There was also an interesting discussion about which lubricants to use on clocks. It was battered around whether to use synthetic products or not. This was all above my head but I do remember they seemed to agree that if the product” stinks” don’t use it.
The Board of Directors meeting was postponed until November 1, after the One Day Show. Marcus encouraged all members to stay for this board meeting. Becky Bush
Note: Shaun Clarke donated a copy of his excel file to determine the length of a pocket watch main spring. It is located in the Tech section. You can get there by going to top of this page and clicking on the 'Go To Tech Page' on the right.
Photos courtesy of D. Artzner and B. Bush.
Visit fellow member Patricia (Pat) Holloway's NAWCC presentation on ephemera. Click here to sign in prior to viewing. There is a slight delay of video with audio.
Tech Session of 11/08/2014 - no report
Pat Holloway sent in added information about Ken's skeleton watch for added information. Thanks.
Just a little background…Waterbury Watch Co reorganized in 1898 with $600,000 in capital and became New England Watch Company. They continued on in the same factory, etc., primarily making small enamel watches along with some models to compete with the dollar watches. 1914, Ingersoll bought New England Watch Co, and in 1922, Waterbury Clock bought Ingersoll assets, trade name and goodwill. Interesting how it all came back to Waterbury Clock who had provided watches for Ingersoll!
Tech Session of 01/10/2015
This session had a bit of everything going for it. There was a Show & Tell, a mini Tech class, individual repairs and item assessment of clocks that will be in the August Regional.
Summary from Marcus Bush: It was a good start to 2015 when about 25 members braved the cold rainy weather to attend the first Tech Session of the year. We welcomed Jeff Parker, a new member from Florida.
Marcus Bush opened the session with an announcement that the Chapter has been asked to restore a tower clock in the Heights area. Several members visited the clock to see what it would take to make it run again. Pictures of the clock can be seen on the Chapter website.
As usual Ben Fulbright came up with some good “Show and Tell” items. He passed around a screw polisher and polishing pads.
Tim Glanzman brought a beautiful French carriage clock, circa 1800, with the original red travel case. It’s very unusual to see a case like this in such good shape. Tim could not be talked into donating it to the Chapter Auction in August.
Ben said that Wayne Denham was restoring a miniature blind mans clock for the auction.
Jeff Parker brought a Hermle bracket clock that he purchased at an auction in Florida. He felt sorry for it because no one had bid on it. Now he needs some help in getting it to run again. He came to the right place.
Darrah Artzner showed off his beautiful new Rockford Special Railway private label pocket watch that he received for Christmas.
Drew Lundgren did a good job presenting the hands on program on replacing gear teeth. Several members took turns sitting at the table to take a turn.
Drew Lundgren hosted a mini session on how to repair gears and spring barrels with broken or severely damaged teeth. There were three active students and several more observers. Drew had plenty of parts for use and supplied all necessary tools and implements of destruction for a successful completion of the task. Refer below to view photos of the session.
Mini Class and Clock Assessment
Tech Session of 02/14/2015
This was a very active session where plenty of ad hoc events took place. There were several members with show and tell items. Some of which I missed photographing as the activity was brisk and just could not keep up.
Tim Glanzman gave an excellent presentation on ultrasonics and cautioned several times that one should never turn one on unless it is full of liquid. He also showed how to test wether the transducers, the things that produce the ultrasonic waves, are working properly. He noted that turning on an ultrasonic and hearing a buzz does not mean that any of the transducers are working but an easy to perform aluminum test will verify it. This test is, as he stated, simple to perform and requires only that the tank be filled with water and that a sheet of aluminum foil be suspended in the water from a stick (like a painter's stick) or something comparable. The foil should not touch the bottom or sides. Turn on the ultrasonic and let it run for 5 minutes. It should produce pits and holes in the foil. Refer to the pics below. Tim also stated that he gets good parts containers at a Dollar Store rather than spending the big bucks that are accociated with ultrasonic assessories. Thanks Tim.
A Board meeting was conducted after the session and dealt primarily with Regional functions. The pre-registration from was assessed and will be finalized within a week. Security issues and notices by bulk mail and the NAWCC were discussed. Gathering names for volunteers for the Regional began. Nita Mixon noted that we need more clocks and other items for the Silent Auction. Here is Nita's Board Meeting Minutes.
Thanks to Nita Mixon for contributing some of the photos.
Tech Session of 03/14/2015
This session was super active with lots of activity on the Show & Tell front. Unfortunately, everyone got so interested in the presentations that no photos were taken. Sorry about that. The presentations included the following:
Darrah Artzner brought in a 55mm Lange&Sohne Luftwaffe pilots wrist watch that he is restoring.
Edward McDowell's told everyone about how he manually machined click springs and his progress.
Albert Rambaud brought in a ST #2 pendulum shipping support block.
Shaun Clarke brought in an Elgin pocket watch that he restored for the silent auction.
Tim Glanzman showed his Bulle clock with cut glass globe that he will retire to his vault.
Drew Lundgren gave a demonstration from beginning to end on how to install a main spring barrel hook.
Tech Session of 04/11/2015
Attendance at our last two technical session has been exceptional. Fortunately we all gain from this as
we make new friends and somewhere in the room there will be a conversatons of interest to anyone.
Most conversatons relate to clocks and watches, some not. If you haven't been to a Chapter meeting
in a while, I recommend that you drop in and share your experiences with others, perhaps learn a few
things, or at least eat a doughnut and drink some of Tim's coffee.
The upcoming All Texas Chapters in August is shaping up as it should. This years theme is "American
horological timepieces, the good, the bad, and the ugly." This is my personal solicitation of our
membership to offer up clocks and watches from their collections for display during our three day
event. Here's are some examples ‐ pocket watches ‐ wristwatches ‐ novelty watches ‐ kitchen clocks ‐
porcelain/ceramic clocks ‐ homemade clocks ‐ american advertising clocks ‐ alarm clocks ‐ mystery
clocks ‐ novelty clocks ‐ mantle clocks. The USA has a rich and long history of making an incredibly
diverse variety of horological items ‐ perhaps more diverse than anywhere else in the world. It would
be great to see the extremes of that diversity displayed in one place at one time. If you have something
truly unusual or unique, please consider sharing it. If you have some things to share, please send a
description and photo (telephone photos are perfect) to (copy and paste) and we'll make periodic reports on how we're doing on the exhibit plans. We will have limited space
available for wall clocks so we will have to be selective. But wouldn't it be great to see a few old neon
advertising clocks hanging up.
Don't forget the one day show on Saturday, May 16, 2015. If you want to make space for upgrades in
your collection, this is the perfect venue to sell items to fellow Chapter members who'll appreciate
having pieces from your collection as you pick new items as replacements.
Thanks to all who keep this Chapter running. Drew Lundgren
Shaun Clarke (VP) presented an excellent presentation on "Assessing Pocket Watch Problems". His points were well taken especailly since the value of a pocket watch is clearly dependant on the state of its condition. A pdf of his presentation can be found in the EdCtr section or you can click here if you would like to view it now.
Tech Session of 05/09/2015
Tech Session of 06/13/2015
Drew opened up the Session with a few comments about Regional planning and preparations. Then is was off to the races for Show And Tell. Several members brought in items to present and talk about. Refer below to view some of these. My favorite is the wood movement. Shaun Clarke brought in a BW Raymond pocket watch that he serviced for the Silent Auction. Watches are hard to 'wow' about unless they are shown on a wall since some beauty just gets lost in the minutiae. Many attendees did a close up and personal with it.
Ben brought in a Stadimeter (optical device for estimating the range to an object of known height by measuring the angle between the top and bottom of the object). It doesen't record time but just the same is very neat. I should have brought in my surveyor's transit that I restored and then the session could have been called a measurement day.
"Some Interesting and Special Show & Tell, Discussion of Some Techniques, and Help with Clock and Watch Repair Challenges" was the main theme for this Session. Actually, it should have been statue clock restoration. Drew Lundgren brought in Ben Fulbright's figurine clock in which he restored the base and statue. The clock has yet to be serviced. Pictures of before and after are shown below. Drew explained the process and highly recommended the class that Patricia and Jay Holloway conducted several months ago for Chapter members. Shaun Clarke donated the A&E adaption of Longitude (taken from Dava Sobel's book on John Harrison's quest to build the perfect time keeper) to the Chapter library. Many Show and Tell items were presented and are shown below.
Tech Session of 07/11/2015
There were not many repairs going on but there was a lot of planning for the August Regional. Details such as list of presenters, Main Exhibit fine tuning, Silent Auction update etc. were getting finalized.
Ben Fulbright did bring in a clock that jmight be in the running for the ugliest clock entry if American made and entered into the Main Regional Exhibit. It's main theme is nature.
The Chapter Board of Directors conducted a meeting after to solve some specific tasks relating to the Regional. Everything was solved for the moment. Some of us went home with a trunk full of registration materials in preparation for the big event.
Tech Session of 09/12/2015
President Drew Lundgren was out on call this time and Shaun Clarke, VP assumed the duties of bringing the happy group under control for a brief meeting. Membership and the attraction of new members was discussed. It was especially important note that members cannot participate in Chapter events without being current. The BOD will send out notices prior to the end of the year about membership dues renewal. Review of the Regional was made by various members of the Board and it was concluded that is was a success in spite of a slight downward trend in attendance from the previous year. Several comments were made about keeping up the educational programs and to advertise around the area. The Time Symposium was discussed and it was decided to purchase an audio/video system for this event and for use of all future Chapter happenings. This was decided after it was shown how much was going to be charged for the Symposium. Ridiculous!
Shaun Clarke gave an excellent presentation on how to replace crystals on pocket watches. Some took advantage of the opportunity by bringing in their own watches for repair. Shaun cheerfully made everyone happy. Ben Fulbright brought in a vintage tool catalogue that was almost as old as he. Marcus Bush held a mini session on how to replace a main spring for a few folks. I looked in on them and it was pointed out that the movement being worked was a westminster chime with only two main springs. Most have three. Super!
Tech Session of 10/10/2015
The monthly, or what has been occuring every session for quite a while, Show and Tell was very quiet until Ben Fulbright demonstrated how to wrap a hose perfectly every time. You have to see the pics to appreciate this.
This session was devoted primarily to repairing watches. Well, that's the way I see it. Anyhow, member Bill Hardy contacted Shaun Clarke and myself about assisting him with some work on his 16 size Elgin (grade 313 15 jewels) on and off prior to the session. Bill communicated with us for a few reasons, namely, Bill has the skill but just needed some guidance, he wanted to let us know that he had parts to repair the watch in question, and finally it gave Shaun and I some idea of what tools we needed to take to the session. During the session Shaun showed Bill how to remove the hair spring, roller table and damaged balance staff. Shaun used a staking set and staff removal tool for the staff removal. Once that was accomplished, I showed Bill how to install the new staff, roller table and hair spring. A few tips were given here and there. Bill continued to work on the watch at his home to finish up and a few emails bounced back and forth. I think he's got it!
I do recall a few questions pertaining to clocks but my concentration on Bills watch work and lack of others taking pictures biased the sesson presented here toward watches. You clock folks will have to wait until next time. LOL
Tech Session of 12/12/2015
What a cheerful group we had this month. Must be the cool weather and the holiday magic that empahsized the normal gaiety of those present. Several members brought in items with questions while others had show & tell items to share. I started breaking down an American Waltham to demonstrate the disassembly process for an interested party, namely, the owner who wants to learn the process. Once cleaned it will be reassembled at the next session. Drew Lundgren (Pres) showed everyone a plaque for the Heights Tower clock that he will present to the building owner at the xmas party. Joe Mixon gave his thoughts on the Great Southern Regional and showed everyone his souviour clock table decoration that was given to him during the event.