2012 February One Day Show
Jay Holloway gave a super presentation on how Walter Durfee made his mark on horology. Even though he was not a trained horologist, he followed his passion and left his mark on horology as well as influenced others in the business. Jay's presentation covered Durfee's clocks, as well as his patented tubular chimes on tall case clocks, and reverse painted tablets on the banjo clocks. Throughout the presentation, he paralleled Durfee's business with what was happening in the US and how what he was doing had impacting others. A shortened version of Jay's presentation is available for viewing by clicking here.
Several members went out to the north side of San Antonio and visited with Bea Copeland and her clocks. More than one visit would have to be made in order to just get a sence of the tremendous number of clocks and carved materials. One could spend days in just single room. Everyone thought the visit was super, including the hostess.
The Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches celebrated its fourth anniversary on the day of our tour. It is located in Lockhart, Tx on 101 E. San Antonio St. They are trying to purchase the building they are presently leasing in order to expand to the upper floors. Go to their website for more details: www.swmuseumofclocks.org. The museum is classed as 501(c)3 by the IRS which means that all private donations are tax deductible.
P.T. Barnum clock with audio
Right click on view and select play from drop down list
2012 All Texas Chapters Regional
Foyer during setup. Mart area before and during opening.
Guest Speakers: Patrica Holloway, Bernie Tekippe, Don Bugh and John Hubby. (Photos courtesy of Becky Bush)
Host Chapter 139 donated free tables to all Texas Chapters to advertise in support of their own Chapter. View on the left those that were represented.
This was one of the more successful and enjoyable Regionals we have had in years, based on attendees opinions, and it should be even bigger and better next year.
Copyright 2023 NAWCC San Jacinto Chapter 139
Houston City Hall Tower Clock 10/13/2012
The Chapter sponsored a luncheon at the Spagetti Warehouse located two short blocks from the Tower Clock. Below are some photos of those that stayed for the get together.
Below are photos taken during one of the nicest days Houston has offered in a long time. Thank you Becky Bush for contributing toward the collection of photos.
This clock has not been serviced lately on a regular basis and several members of the Chapter would like to adopt it to insure that it is routinely oiled and kept clean. The floors in and around the building need swept, light bulbs need replaced and window glass cleaned. The clock movement will more than likely be oiled on a monthly basis by volunteers that have been thoroughly trained on the process. We are presently conversing with the City on a contract that would be mutually acceptable to both parties. Contact anyone on the Board or Ben Fulbright if you would like to participate in taking care of this special clock.
Here are some photos of the old Houston City Hall provided by Don Bugh. The last one was taken after 1939 – the city offices had moved and the building was turned into a bus station. The towers were removed in 1948 and the building burned in 1960. Fortunately the clock was stored in the basement and survived the fire (D. Bugh).
An article of this clock was published in the NAWCC Bulletin. Use the following reference to access a pdf copy. (You have to be logged in to the NAWCC web site for access. Go to Publications once logged in and select Watch & Clock Bulletins, the second item on the left) Bulletin December 1990, v.32, #269, p.563
2012 November One Day Show
Val Link is recently retired from the University of Houston's jewelery department where he specializes in silver and gold work. He is also a watch and clock collector and uses his soldering talents on time pieces that need that special repair. This type of soldering is not your every day type of soldering but the basic steps are pretty much the same. Here is a list that Val passed out itemizing the critical steps necessary for producing a successful solder joint. This type of solderng is more appropriate when dealing with broken watch cases or any clock pieces that are made of special materials or have designs that common soldering willl often destroy.
Below are some examples of items that Val has made for clients over the years. The pics are not sharp and a bit cloudy as they were taken from slides shown on a colored wall.
Shots taken during presentation. The screen shown on the wall is the result of testing the use of a video camera to show some the more detailed techniques to the audience.
Do you have any photos of Chapter activities that you would like to have posted? Just let us know or just send them our way. Send along a brief description of each where possible. You can send pics and descriptions separately. Just make sure you identify the text to the appropriate pics. Send them to me (Darrah Artzner). Thanks.
2013 February One Day Show and Annual Meeting
The One Day show was filled to the brim with sellers merchandise. It was a buyers dream, unless, of course, you are a watch collector and then it was exceptionally lean. This was a very busy show, not only because of the massive amount of clocks for sale, but members had to 'suffer' through a Show & Tell from the Board, everyone thought it was great, to voting on bylaws changes. I think everyone survived and went home with a smile and a trunk full of merchandise. I cannot show many pictures from the Show & Tell as I was busy keeping it on track but Becky B. took a few and they are presented below. The pdf presentation can be viewed by going to the EdCtr secion. Click
A great educational program was presented by some of the Board Members. Darrah Artzner had a Power Point slide show on the great precision movement of Bulle Clocks. Marcus Bush showed the variations between the short drop and long drop Fashion clocks. Avin Brownlee demonstrated a between the plates alarm on a New Haven Tiber. Tim Glanzman showed a homemade “Frankenstein” clock from the Bill Walker collection. This clock was made from parts gleaned from the “It’s for Free” tables at the Chapter 139 shows. George Kabacinski explained how a single winding arbor could wind two springs and power a time and strike Crystal Regulator movement by Boston Clock Company. John Trego gave a program on the origin and operation of the French Mobier or “Country Clock” Ben Fulbright introduced the group to French and English roasting Jacks. These gadgets, with clock-like movements, powered spits on open fireplaces. Becky Bush
Show & Tell Presentation By Board Members
Two main activities were scheduled for this One Day Show. One was the sale of over 40 estate clocks and the other was free lunch. Sale of the estate clocks went well. There were about a half dozen 'in demand' clocks with the remainder being some fine restoration projects. Most needed only minor work. The food came at just after 11 and, unfortunately, many members had to leave to get back home and work on their yards or spend money at Wal-Mart. We will plan on having a brunch in the future so more members can take advantage of this perk.
2014 February One Day Show
Chapter 139 had a very active One Day Show. There were 40 people attending and 12 tables sold. It’s always good to see new faces at these shows. There was a lot of buying, selling and trading being done.
Tim Glanzman presented a very interesting and informative program on Pivot Polishing and Burnishing. He passed around some tools that were useful and necessary in accomplishing this step in clock repair. Tim discussed the pro and cons of using files versus burnishers in the polishing process. He also had some excellent magnified slides that showed good, better and best versions of pivots that had been polished. These slides showed the different stages of polish depending on the coarseness of your polishing material.

Wow, another very active One Day Show! Thirty nine members were in attendance. The rental of tables along with entry fees provided the Chapter with a slight profit for the day. There were a number of good clocks including a Welch Patti and an English bell strike tall case that changed hands along with the usual many parts and pieces.
Darrah Artzner presented a great program “Determining Pocket Watch Quality”. He covered many of the aspects involved in buying or evaluating a pocket watch. Case condition (gold, silver or filled), movement condition (clean or rusty), hinges, bezels, dials (clean or cracked) and missing parts were covered. Twenty nine of the 39 members registered stayed for the program.
There was no Board of Directors meeting.
I am including a copy of my presentation that covered determining the quality of a watch for purchase. I tried to give tips that would be applicable when inspecting in hand and when buying on the internet. I am not sure how helpful the presentation is without the verbage but you can click here to view the slides if you care to do so.
2014 November One Day Show
The cool weather created a chipper mood for close to forty people attending this One Day Show. New member, Brian Nielsen joined the group and soon found something he could not live without. The Chapter also welcomed Dan Mauldin and his Dad, Hugh.
Using one of Brian Martins clocks as an example, Ben Fulbright talked to the Chapter about the five points of valuing clocks and watches. The insurance/replacement value being the most expensive, factoring the time it would take to find another clock or watch of the same type. Retail value (shop price) would come next. Wholesale (clock show prices)/auction and or /bulk buys would be the next grade item. Of course if you purchase collection of clocks or watches or distressed items you would give a lower amount per item. This would be an amount that satisfied both the seller and buyer. The relative difference between each pair within the five valuations is perhaps as much as 100% and as little as 10%.
Ben also spoke to the group about promoting the NAWCC and our Chapter. He recommended leaving some of your old Bulletins and Marts along with current national and chapter membership forms. As you go antiquing or to resale shops leave these items and tell them about the organization. If someone shows an interest in the organization, follow up with a phone call or e-mail and invite them to the next local event.
Marcus Bush expressed the need for members to step up and present a program for the Tech Session or One Day Shows in 2015. If there is some clock or watch related program you are interested in please let one of the officers know.
There was also discussion as to whether the Tech Session should be held in the months of February, May and November when our One Day Shows are held. Everyone seemed in favor of keeping the Tech Sessions as a regular event the second Saturday of each month.
Greg Graham thanked everyone for contributing so many clock related parts for a school art car project. Donations are still very welcome. He promised to keep us posted with pictures as the project advances.
There was some confusion as to the time factor of the Chapter dues. Marcus said that the yearly memberships are due every January.
John Trego announced that the new officers for the Chapter will be voted on at the business meeting after the February One Day Show. Drew Lundgren has willingly accepted the nomination of President, Shaun Clarke as Vice President and Nita Mixon as Secretary. Avin Brownlee has agreed to remain in office as the Treasurer. If you or anyone you know is interested in holding an office as Director please step forward. All Chapter members are encouraged to attend this meeting.
Marcus/Becky Bush
Photos by Becky Bush and Darrah Artzner
Ingersoll Blind Man Watch (right) - I initially cleaned and replaced the crystal but had it sitting in my repair section for quite a while as it had a broken main spring click. I finally found the part, thanks to fellow member Shaun Clarke, and it is now up and running. Not a bad timer for an inexpensive watch. DA
2015 February One Day Show
Albert Rambaud gave a presentation on pivot replacement during our One Day Show and was filmed for viewing on either the Chapter 139 Facebook page or YouTube. It is still being processed. A pdf of his presentation is available for viewing by clicking on the Eductional tab above. Likewise, Tim Glanzman's presentation on pivot polishing is also available in the same section. Click here to enter the Eduation Section.
Click here to veiw the minutes of the Chapter Annual Meeting that was held immediatly after the One Day Show (Feb 7).
2015 November One Day Show
This show was not as crowded as most but there were still plenty of members wanting to sell and buy. One table was clearing out everything that had once been owned by a past faithful member. I picked up a wood clock movement that had only one minor repair done to the chime lever and that is an easy fix. What a deal. I plan on using Gordon's directions from his presentation to build a see through case.
Gordon Shahin and Ken Arnold gave very impressive presentations and it was well worth being part of the audience. I was busy working the slide projector so consequently photos of their presentations were taken at a distance and from the same position but hopefully you can get some idea of what occurred. Read the photo notes for additional comments. The new year will continue with great One Day Show sales and presentations.
2016 February One Day Show
Besides buying and selling, the Chapter's annual meeting was conducted along with the voting in of new Treasurer Geoffrey Parker. Appreciation went to outgoing Treasurer Avin Brownlee who now joins other previous Chapter heads in becomming a member of the Board. I might remind all members that anyone can become a Board member with Board acceptance as long as there is a vacancy. This is an excellent way to learn about how the Chapter functions behind the scenes.
Vice President Shaun Clark gave a very nice presentation on pocket watches of famous people. You can view his slide show in the EdCtr by clicking on the tab above or here.
Photos courtesy of Becky Bush and Darrah Artzner
Photos courtesy of Darrah Artzner
Besides buying and selling, there were three major activities going on throughout the show. It started out by Albert Rambaud giving a very informative account of a majority of functions available when using a Microset timer. As noted by Albert, too many of us use a timer for basic functions and then get set in our ways that results in our not investigating any additional features available to the user. He reminded us of those functions as well as gave demonstrations. He not only had slides showing the various functions and function results but played well made Mocroset sponsored videos from YouTube. He initially described all the variations of timer and its assessories and then gave advantages and disadvantages of each function when discussed. Prices were also mentioned in that the package, whatever a person chooses, is not cheap but is of high quality. Albert noted that a few functions can be run easier and simpler with less expensive products. Audience members owning the Microset software felt that is was not handy since it had to be installed on a computer (that takes up much bench space) and that the Microset unit itself gave readings suffecient enough that running the software was not necessary. All in all, the product is great and has many functions and assessories that most will find useful. There are a couple of modes that are not as great as could be done but that is to be expected in any product that has other competitors trying to be the best. A second presentation was given by Bob Holkan on how to produce custom moulding for a clock case. He explained how he makes a scraper from a piece of clock main spring that has an identical outline as the original moulding being duplicated. He then demonstrated how to fit the shaped scraper steel in to a wood block and build a form to hold wood that will be scraped into a final desired shape. Finally, this one was not a demo but a display, Shaun Clarke set up a table filled with all the tools, assessores and booklet that will be used for the June pocket watch class. He had a few more names on the reserve list, there will be another class later in the year, before the end of the show.
2016 November One Day Show
NAWCC Chapter 139 held one of its three one day shows on November 5th at the Grace Community Church. Attendnace was quite good with about 50 people attending. This meeting was a combination of the One Day Show and the November Tech Session. The Tech Session was moved to the first Saturday because of conflict with the 2016 Southern Regional in Matarie, LA (New Orleans). For a variety of reasons we had fewer people selling at this one Day Show than we usually have. But that may bode well for the February One Day Show and General Meeting. Announcements at the show included thanks to Shaun, Darrah and Jeff for a great Pocket Watch class, and to John Hardy for his wood works class. We also announced availability of materials from the upcoming "build you own clock" class. Thanks to Marcus for putting this together. Tim showed us a very nice framed memorial with photos and hands from the Heights tower clocks that several members of the chapter helped repair. We announced our plans for the November 12th & 13th Mini Maker Faire at the Gorge R. Brown Convention Center. We're hopeful to attract a few new members. Shaun Clarke gave us a great informative tour of internet resources produced by Chapter 139. Our website, built and maintained by Darrah, is one of the best among NAWCC Chapters. It is certainly the best I've seen and has a great deal of information and also a great deal of potential for us to reach out and provide even more information. We also have a Facebook group and a YouTube channel. Shaun spoke a bit about the opportunities these forums give us to further promote horology. The "us" includes each of us. We announced plans for the annual Christmas party. Edward McDowell and his wife Marni will be hosting. It'll take place on Sunday, December 11th starting at 2 PM. Meat, what they call protein these days, will be provided by the chapter. Bring a covered dish (with food in it please), and if you want to be part of the white elephant gift exchange, please bring a suitable gift (<$25). These get togethers are always fun. More details will follow and we need pretty firm RSVP responses to get a proper count. And finally, there was some discussion about upcoming elections. The President, Vice-President and Secretary positions all need candidates in 2017. The elections will take place at the 2017 General Meeting in February. We grow with new ideas and new ways of doing things, so if you're able, please share your unique gifts by running for one of these positions. Following the prepared discussions and the presentation, we had a lot of activity around the room as people were woking to resolve clock and watch issues, and others were generally solving the world's problems. (Drew Lundgren)
2017 February One Day Show
This was not only a great One Day Show but it was also the time for new officers to be voted in to run the Chapter for the next two years. Many thanks go to the outgoing President Drew Lundgren, Vice President Shaun Clarke and Secretary Nita Mixon for all that they did for the Chapter. Board member Marcus Bush stepped down from a Director position to allow another member to step in and learn the process. He plans on remaining as active as ever.
The following are now the current officers and board members.
President Tim Glanzman
Vice Pres. Giovanni Santarsiere
Secretary Ken arnold
Treasurer Geoff Parker (Incumbent)
Director Joe Mixon (Incumbent, Education co-director)
Director Shaun Clarke (New, Education co-Director)
Director Darrah Artzner (Incumbent)
Director Jeff Zuspan (New, replacing Marcus Bush)
Director Tony Tolbert (New, replacing Avin Brownlee)
Director Drew Lundgren (New, replacing Tim Glanzman)
Entertainment and education were provided by outgoing VP Shaun Clarke and newly elected Secretary Ken Arnold. You can view their presentations by clicking here or by selecting the education tab (EdCtr) on the main index at the top of this page.
2017 November One Day Show
This was the first time that the Chapter sponsored an It's For Free table at a One Day Show and everyone seemed to enjoy it. A guest presenter gave a super talk on how to build a CNC machine from parts. He gave a copy of the presentation for posting but never received it. I will post as soon as it is located. There were quite a few watches for sale compared with past shows.
2018 February One Day Show
Our Secretary Ken Arnold documented this Annual Meeting and Ben Fulbright's presentation for the Chapter and is available by clicking here.
(Additional Regional and Xmas Parties)
2018 November One Day Show
President Tim Glanzman began the festivities by presenting Marcus Bush with a well deserved NAWCC 50 year pin and nicely framed certificate. The Chapter is honored to have him as a faithful and hard working member and friend. Tim read off the many accomplishments Marcus has made over the years and every one has been directed toward enhancement of Chapter 139.
Tim then announced the donation of a Morbier grandfather clock to the Grace Community Church that provides meeting space and coffee for our One Day Shows. This clock was donated by Ben Fulbright and superbly restored by Drew Lundgren.
Guest speaker Martin Kennedy gave a super presentation on 3D printing using an inexpensive (chinese made for about a hundred and fifty dollars) printer, with improvements, and its many uses. He discussed the basic setup and then went into some changes he made that proved to be an improvement over the basic design and end product. He brought many printed examples and many are shown in the picture gallery below. Martin was given an honorary one year membership.
One of the sellers, Frank Thayer, spent quite an effort detailing the history of the clocks on his table for potential new owners of his clocks.
NAWCC 50 Year Member - MARCUS BUSH
2019 February One Day Show
Members gathered at the Grace Community Church in Houston in early February for the quarterly One-Day Show and our Chapter 139 Annual Meeting. Spurred on by donuts and coffee, sellers did a brisk trade throughout the morning with clock, watch, tools and parts bargains being snapped up by buyers. As the morning continued, members continued to discuss ongoing projects in their workshops with support and encouragement from the other members.
Shaun Clarke gave a presentation on “Getting to Know your Staking Tool” which covered uses of a staking tool, what to look for when buying a staking tool and the correct use of the staking tool. Details of the most common punches, stumps and specialist accessories found in a staking tool were discussed and instruction provided on how to correctly use these. The presentation generated discussion around best practices when completing repairs.
The Chapter 139 Annual Meeting was conducted with voting of Officers and Directors. Outgoing President Tim Glanzman welcomed Ken Arnold as President, Shaun Clarke as Vice President and Stephen Egloff as Secretary, with Geoffrey Parker returning as Treasurer. New directors include Toney Tolbert and Bill Hardy while those returning are Drew Lundgren, Darrah Artzner, Joe Mixon, Giovanni Santarsiere and Jeff Zuspan.
Incoming president Ken Arnold gave thanks to the Officers and Directors for their service to Chapter 139. Special recognition was given to outgoing President Tim Glanzman for his enthusiasm and contributions in leading the Chapter over the past two years.
The meeting concluded with the new Officers and Directors gathering for a photograph under the tall-case clock donated to the Grace Community Church. The clock was previously donated to the Church in appreciation of their support in providing facilities for the Chapter’s One-Day Shows.
Shaun Clarke
Ken Arnold (President) gave talk on Bulle Clocks accompanied by many detailed slides. He brought in a couple of examples and explained how they work and what causes them to stop. He gave information on parts sources and repair tips.
This was a well attended show with plenty of sellers and buyers.
2023 February One Day Show
This was a fun show where purchasing and selling of odd items went well. This writer even bought a copper bucket made by an Ansonia company. Show & Tell also included some clock related oddities too. Check out the pics for some examples. New inductees were voted in and some old time Directors volunteered to make way for new volunteers in order to keep the Board fresh and motivated with ideas. Best wishes to all in new tasks!