Tech Session of  07/09/2016
   The session opened with Chapter President Drew Lundgren providing an update on preparation for the August Regional and encouraging members to continue to repair and donate items for the silent auction.  Members were also reminded that we need items for our regional exhibit “Timepieces in the Workplace”. Please contact Albert Rambaud ( if you have items that may be suitable for display in the exhibit.  We'll begin setting up for the Regional on Thursday morning about 9:00 AM.  If you're available, help would be appreciated.  Also, please register for the Regional if you have not yet done so.
   The ever-entertaining Ben Fulbright regaled us stories of the history of Chapter 139 and shared a draft of his 66 page book of helpful practical hints from the workbench, "Tips and Tricks for Restoring Old Clocks."  He has assembled this book from his many years of clock repair, focusing on the types of tip and tricks that clock repair classes do not usually cover.  Bob Holkan has generously arranged for publication and copies will be available for purchase at the Regional with all proceeds going to the Chapter.
   Show and Tell included a brass movement that Drew has commenced restoring, and had considerable success using "Evaporust" to remove rust.  It was quite a remarkable transformation when compared to the “before” pictures (pics below)
    The session also featured a presentation from Mr. Nino Sardi, Senior Lecturer and Coordinator from the Watch & Clockmakers School of Western Australia ( where Chapter 139 Vice President Shaun Clarke trained.  Nino provided an interesting insight into the recent growth of interest in watch and clock making in Western Australia and described the training that 37 students are currently studying at the school.  Nino also showed a recent repair of a cracked mainspring barrel by removing the ring gear and fitting it to a donor barrel.  (Shaun Clarke)

Listen....... silence............Terre Carroll
Drew brought in a rusted movement that he treated with Evaporust.  Looks just Super!
Rusted gears on movement.
Wow, that is some rust!
More rust.
Finished front.
Finished product
Need I say more!
Shaun Clarke introducing his mentor, friend and previous instructor to audience.
Nino Sardi during his presentation
Nino Sardi during presentation
Nino Sardi
Question and answer period
Shaun talking with Terre and Dennis
Photos: Darrah Artzner, Drew Lundgren and Shaun Clarke
Tech Session of  02/13/2016
Stress free crowd.
Laid back crowd.
School clock slave Show & Tell.
Pocket watch main spring replace/clean session being set up.
Main spring session with diagrams.
Shaun Clarke's main spring demo.
Drew Lundgren teaching how to silver a dial.  Ken Arnold assisted.
Dial silvering
Silvered dial.
Showing US Marine Corps wall clock
USMC Chelsea clock mvt
US  Marines Chelsea clock mvt - back view
US Marines Chelsea mvt - front view
US Marine Corps wall clock.
Setting up flex shaft tool for grinding out rivets.
Grinding rivets off to remove part that needs a repair on worn pivot hole.
Val removing rivet in order to obtain part for repair.
Pivot hole repair part removed
Val Link adjust acetelyne torch
Val Link showing how to solder using 70% silver solder and acetelyne torch.
Repaired part after pickling
Finished pivot hole repair
What can I say!
Getting ready for Chapter Collet swap session.
Is it repairable?  Don't think so without damaging the winter scene as it appears that it was glued into the box.
Music box - Is it repairable?
Music box bottom - Is is repairable?
Everyone was very relaxed and peaceful until the mini sessions started.  There were three in all.  The first was Shaun Clarke's demonstration of how to remove a pocket watch main spring and clean or replace it. The second was Val Link's presentation on how to fill a worn pivot hole using silver solder and acetelyne torch.  The third was Drew Lundgren's demonstration on how to resilver a dial assisted by Ken Arnold.  All three presentations were just super and any one of them would have been enough for one Tech Session on its own.  Again, they were Super!  Keep up the good work guys.

Members and the Board discussed replacements for the new year as Avin Brownlee (Treasurer) has served a full term and then some.  A couple of Director positions were also discussed for relplacement.  And, don't be surprised if the Tech room gets more shelving in the near future.

Members were urged to take a clock to restore for the Silent Auction that will be held at the August Regional.
Tech Session of  01/09/2016
It seemed that attendees at this session were truly the die-hards of the Chapter since this session occurred only one week after the One Day Show.  Regardless, there were a couple of new attendees, welcome, and attendance was very good but it did take a coffee and doughnut or two for most to get going.  This was a positive setting though since it gave some others a chance to present some tips, tricks and showings for a very attentive group.  For example, Drew Lundgren gave a demonstration on how to repair the end of a main spring by reducing the temper on the spring end, punching a new hole and then triming and smoothing the end.  A perfect job!  A new member brought in a 'problem child' mantle clock to see ifit could be straightened out, so to speak.  Another newcomer came in for assistance on a clock he was given at the previous One Day Show for an initial lesson on clock repair.  One long time member brought in a recent acquisition that was an 18 size, model one, 19 jewel Rockford.  It had a running problem that was easily fixed by replacing a balance jewel screw to one of correct size so that it would not interfere with the balance.  He explained that purchasing a watch that is not running is a gamble and are not usually this easy to diagnose and repair.  Following the formal activities, a few folks stayed helping one another for another two hours.  

Oh, I was working on  a relatively new 6 size pocket watch with center seconds hand in which the seconds hand looked more like a Z than an arrow.  After the third time of fitting and straightening I had it about 98% straight and wanted to get at least one more percent from it.  However, pulling it off of the arbor the fourth time caused it to develop wings and took off.  I felt so bad that I took it home and replaced it.  It doesn't happen often but does happen.  I will take a magnet along with me next month and see if I can find it.

Four of us stayed after and sorted out clocks for the Chapter sponsored Silent Auction in August.  I accepted the challange and took home a 400 day anniversary and vintage Mastercrafter animated electric clock.  Both have broken parts that will need replaced or made and then cleaned.  D. Artzner

New attendee and new clock problem.
Drew helping with initial clock instruction.
Great discussion
Modern center seconds 6 size pocket watch with new seconds hand.
Rockford owner pleased at how easy it was to fix a problem.
A Hamilton with a missing roller jewel and a rare Rockford 19 Ruby Jewel that had a minor problem fixed.
These thingies move around and make a lot of noice.  Well, I think Ken was discussing timing of the chiming action.
Ken Arnold's humpaback.
Does this case need refinished?  Final agreement was yes since it was painted.
Tech Session of  03/12/2016
Turnout at the tech session was very good, and there was much active discussion both before and after the formal part of the meeting.  We had no guests in attendance.
First, Darrah Artzner gave us an overview of his plan for the upcoming March 20th NAWCC Webinar in which Darrah will give an overview of Rockford pocket watches.  This is nice recognition of Darrah's expertise. 

Edward McDowell purchased a topping tool at the show in Mesquite, took it home and cleaned it up, then brought it to the tech session for all to see.  The mostly brass tool shows great workmanship.  It received much attention. (photo attached).
Albert Rambaud showed us photos of a "basket case" French clock movement that Jim Dubois donated to the Chapter.  After verifying that most of the essential parts were present, Albert showed his expertise in restoring the movement, including some parts fabrication.  Albert's handiwork will be included in the Chapter's silent auction.
Shaun Clarke brought in a watchman's clock and leather case that he purchased at the Chapter 124 Regional.  The rather small clock looked almost new.
Marcus Bush showed us a rather common looking black flat top mantle clock that had a bit of a twist.  The clock has an alarm in the case that is separate from the movement.  The alarm is wound through a winding arbor in the base below to the left of the dial.  Marcus is graciously donating this clock to us for the Silent Auction.

We had two formal demonstrations, both of which drew crowds around:
Shaun Clarke brought in his electronic, high tech watch timer and gave a demonstration of how it works with various watches.
Ken Arnold gave a demonstration of installing bushings in a clock plate that was brought in by Giovanni.

There was an informal Board meeting shortly thereafter.  (Drew Lundgren)
Edward McDowell turning his upright tool to show how a gear is cut and advanced at the same time.
Ed adjusting the upright tool.
Upright tool.
Box of cutters for upright tool.
Albert Rambaud starting to explain his techniques on restoring a clock for the Silent Auction.
Front of the restored clock.
Movement after Alberts restoration.
Pendulum that Albert made for testing purposes.
Drew working on  a ships clock.
Ships clock running too fast.
Boxed ships clock with problem solved.
Marcus Bush during Show & Tell of a Seth Thomas alarm clock.
Alarm is separate from the clock movement. There is a separate winding hole in the clock case near its base.
Seth Thomas clock with alarm dial.
Good example of a watch to start learning about repair.  Broken balance staff and needs cleaned.
Clock that was painted and needing sprucing up.
Paint removed from clock case.  Good job Giovanni.
Shauns watches used for demonstrating timing.  Each watch has a specific problem that affects timing.
Shauns newly purchased watchmans clock with keys and papers.  Excellent condition.
Tech Session of  04/09/2016
Signing in
Waiting to begin
Drew Lundgren gave examples on how to use a depthing tool .
Ben Fulbright gave an excellent talk on fusee movements.
How to identify whether a chain or cable is used on the fusee.
Fusee chain
Hook ends of the fusee chain.
Clock with a pseudo fusee
Pseudo fusee
Side view
Chauncey Jerome New Haven, Conn impression on pseudo fusee movement.
Edward McDowell relaying his experience with a verge pinion
Verge that gave Edward a tough time.
Jimmie Burchfield showing his Hamilton 22 ships clock.
Nice clock case Jiimmie.
Marcus Bush talking about day trip to Gelveston.
Runs too fast.  Solution = drop the pendulum a bit so that the pendulum rod is centered within the coil.
Shaun Clarke describing how the "Introduction To The Pocket Watch" class will be conducted and what will be included.
This session started off with a bang by having several members giving mini demonstrations:  Drew Lundgren brought in a depthing tool and gave several examples of how to use the tool;  Ben Fulbright brought in several fusee and fusee like clock movements and talked at length about them; Edward McDowell gave a rendition of how a verge with a broken pinion can cause grey hair; and Jimmie Burchfield showed us his gimballed Hamilton 22 clock in a double box.  Shaun Clarke brought members up to date on the status of the pocket watch class that will be held in June and Marcus Bush explained his idea of how the Galveston day trip will be conducted.  Marcus said the date for the trip was delayed due to competition with other tour groups.  An electro-magnetic battery operated clock was brought for trouble shooting because it kept running too fast.  One solution was suggested, dropping the pendulum so that the curved bar would be centered within the coil, and we shall see if it helped at next months gathering.
Tech Session of  05/11/2016
Ben Fulbright's Tiffany & Co. clock.
Cloisonne' work on Ben's clcock.
Ken Arnold and Avin Brownlee checking out the Cloisonne' finished clock.
Drew Lundgren presenting a potential Chapter project.
Reminder clock for potential Chapter poject.
Reminder clock upper view.
Remember clock lower view.
Check out Desmond's watchmaker lathe.
Detail of watchmaker lathe.
Doing some lathe work..
Pocket watch pivot polisher lathe collet.
Edward McDowell brought in his project clock for some verge suggestions.  It tends to break when around him.
Marcus checking out the canadian made pocket watch case.
Reproduction clock glass shown by Marcus Bush.
Desmond Lund's Rockford watch in pretty decent condition.
Shaun Clark's pocket metronome.
Back view of metronome.
Val Link showing his canadian made pocket watch with male threads on the back cover and removable movement insert.
Canadian made case.
Canadian case logo.
Canadian case back.
Need help in identifying this clock.
Different view
And another view.
Looks early asian???
Not documented.
The session began by several members that attended the latest pocket watch class giving comments about it.  Even though they were all positive, Shaun and I will be making a few changes to improve on it since we would like to make it even better for the one planned in the Fall.  We want to thank all of the students for being very dedicated and with positive attitudes during the class.  It was a lot of fun, Darrah

Chapter President Drew Lundgren brought in a Reminder clock and suggested that it be a Chapter project.  There was silence in the room since he suggested it be done in a month.  Several members liked the idea but thought the time to completion was too short.  It was shelved for the time being.  Tasks will include case work, electrical, clock maintenance and skilled painting or some other means of reproducing the advertising and other details.
Tasks related to the up and comming Regional were discussed and all individuals, since being seasoned veretians, had them under control.  Links to host hotel reservation and early discount registrtion form were discussed and, as of this writing, are in place and working properly.

This session should be considered one of the all time greats in terms of Show & Tell.  A half dozen folks brought in items that were really crowd pleasers.  Most were captured in the pics below.   Check 'em out!
Tech Session of  06/11/2016
Copyright 2010 NAWCC San Jacinto Chapter 139
Tech Session of  08/13/2016
Tech Session of  09/10/2016
George Goolsby receiving his Fellow Award from Geoff Parker.
Ben Fulbright donating a portion of his books to the Chapter.
Ben's donation
Drew at the lathe
Drew's lathe setup.
Geoff showing the Chapter Of The Year Award to attendees.
Award details
Marcus Bush' Ansonia alarm clock that was detailed by Darrah Artzner
Ken Arnold showing his Ansonia gravity clock
Gravity clock detail
New Haven movement with intermittent problem.
New Haven movement
Ken's movement that had an intermittent problem due to rivet end rubbing on main spring.
Drew turning a drill bit centering collet.
Our working president
     The latest trend during the Tech Sessions of 2016 has been Show and Tell and problem solving tips and tricks and this one was no exception.  Several members brought in items that had problems solved but wanted to share that solution with others.  That was just Super!   Darrah Artzner presented a Power Point presentation of the servicing of an Ansonia alarm carriage clock and a pdf of it is available below.  There is no verbiage and you just had to be there to get a full benefit out of it.  
     Geoff Parker attended the National in Kentucky and accepted on behalf of Chapter 139 the Chapter Of The Year Award.  He also brought George Goolsby's Fellow award back to Houston and presented it to him during this session.  Congratulations George!   George is also a National Representative and will be attending our All Texas Chapters Regional in August.
    Fellow member Bob Holkan, previous manager over Ben Fulbright during their working together at NASA and now retired, managed to collect many tips and tricks that Ben Fulbright had documented over the years and thought it worthy for publishing this year.  He di just that and presented Ben with several copies of the book.  Ben, in turn, presented several copies to the Chapter to do with at it pleases.  The Chapter thanks him very much and copies will be available for sale at the August Regional.  Two copies will be donated to the NAWCC for their lending library and special books section.  
Ken Arnold's Bulle clock
Bunn Special
Ben Fulbright's iron front clock
Ken's key wind quail clock
Marcus Bush mini drill press
Mini drill press drill bit.
Skeleton clock made by Marcus Bush during one of last year's Chapter classes.
Elephant swinger of owner Marcus Bush. Note: the hands are missing in the photo as it was taken while testing the clock movement.
Tag Heuer fake
Fake Tag Heuer clasp
Thomas Russel & Son No.9 movement
Thomas Russel & Son No.9
    There was just about 100% Show and Tell during this session since it was requested that members bring any recent purchases from the Regional and why they bought it.  
    Ben Fulbright gave an interesting presentation about iron front clocks and noted that they are not all iron.  Some can be found made from spelter and others aluminum.  Marcus Bush brought in a mini drill press that was his present from Geoff Parker.  Both Geoff and Marcus wanted to bid on it during the Chapter sponsored Silent Auction but Marcus was not available to bid on it.  Geoff won the bid and later presented it to Marcus.  It is really a special drill in that it is inexpensive but is built with ball bearings and is highly accurate.  One had to know details of that press in order to realize that it was a super buy at the final winning bid.  Marcus really appreciates the gift Geoff.  Marcus also brought in the skeleton clock he made during the last class that was taught by Del Rolison and suggested that the Chapter get another class ready for the up and coming year.  By the way, Del told attendees that he is getting an introductory CAD class ready and, with luck, should have it finalized for the new year.
    Darrah Artzner brought in an Ansonia swinger that Marcus gave him to iron out some problems.  Darrah in turn presented the group with those problems and how they were solved.  They are pretty simple clocks yet there are many minor adjusts that are necessary in order to make them run reliably and some of those problems can be found related to the stand in which the clock is supported.  He also noted that not all the swingers utilize the same size jewel bar and that acquiring a correct one can be an event in itself.  For example, Junghans and Ansonia swinger jewel bars are different in distance between the jewels than those for Asian swingers.  Sometimes they have to be made using new or pressed out cup jewels.
    Someone brought in a watch for Geoff Parker to identify as real or fake.  Sorry to say the watch was a dud and hope the owner did not pay too much for it.  Another hunter watch was also brought in a Thomas Russel & Son movement (refer to pics below) for further identification but left without an complete answer.  There were other discussions but they have slipped my mind.  Hopefully others will send me more details that I omitted.
Tech Session of  10/08/2016
This month's Tech Session was a mix of Show & Tell and repairing.  A Grandfather movement was brought in for a bent center arbor repair and Drew Lundgren ended up explaining how a quarter hour/tubular chime movement operates the chiming mechanism. What was also interesting was the stand that was used for holding the movement.  Refer to the photos below.  Bill Hardy showed the group the results of a computer program he has been working with for rendering drawings.  Shaun Clarke reminded everyone that the pocket watch servicing class was full and that it is right on schedule for the end of the month.  He also mentioned that anyone wanting to donate tools to the Chapter can go the Chapter web site and review tools that are needed for various stages of experience for both clocks and watches.  These lists are good references when shopping at out of town regionals too since they can be viewed on line.  Shaun replaced a gasket on Dennis Carroll's Gruen wrist watch as the one installed appeared to be in pieces during a recent battery replacement.  Desmond Rolf brought in glass plates that were ornamented with reverse decals and talked about the process of which can be done via an ink jet printer and copier.  Ben Fulbright showed a five foot clock dial with hands and stated that these were parts of a two faced electric clock that he is donating to the Chapter for placement at the top of Tim's building.  One of the two dials will have to be made due to a crack but that should do it.  Well, maybe not.  No one has thought out the need for installing water proof power to the site, possible licensing from the city, and getting it up on the building.  Piece of cake, right?   RIGHT!  I am sure I left out something as there was sooooo much going on.
Drew Lundgren talking about a grandfather movement with a bent center arbor.
Drew explaining the striking/chiming process.
Grandfather movement.
Ben Fulbright explaining the operation of a fuse movement.
Fusee movement.
Side view of fuse movement.
Bill Hardy starting his presentation of a computer aided drafting program.
Bill Hardy
Bill's result of the drafting program.
Another product of Bill Hardy's drafting.
Audience enjoying themselves.
Brian Martin's Indicator with original storage box.
Old clock stand.
Old clock stand label
Shaun Clarke holding a Benrus wristwatch that needed a gasket replaced.
Dennis Carroll's Benrus wristwatch that needed a gasket replaced.
Closeup of Benrus ww back.
Desmond Rolf presenting his method of applying a reverse decal to glass.
A finished decal application by Desmond.  Front view.
Back view of decal application by Desmond Rolf.
More decal stuff.
Dial to be part of electric clock for mounting on top of Tim Glanzman's building where Tech Sessions are held.
Clock hands to the donated electric clock for Tim's building.
Edward McDowell speaking with member about a couple of watches he brought to show others.
Edward's first watch. Front view.
Edward's first watch.  Back view.
Second watch shown by Edward.  Front view
Second watch shown by Edward.  Back view.
Attachable part adapted to polish/burnish large (clock) pivots.  Most thought it was a bracket for holding a swivel light.  I still do.
Tech Session of  11/12/2016
This session was combined  with the One Day Show on the 5th.  Go there.
Tech Session of  12/10/2016
Drew Lundgren showing how to drill a centered hole in a steel rod.
Drew's lathe detail
Close up shot of lathe drilling centered hold in steel rod.  Note that the coffee is not even vibrating.
Guest Jay Irick introducing himself.
Jay's first clock to id.
Jay's second clock to id.
Geoffrey Parker brought in his 400 day clock that has just been serviced and tested for time.  Runs great!
Shaun Clarke presenting a 'Show 'n Tell' item.
Shaun's crown chuck inserted into lathe collet.
Collet and crown chuck components.
Pocket watch crown in chuck that was used in Shaun's 'What's It' quiz.
From l to r: Giavanni, Ken, Desmond and Edward
Joe Mixon trouble shooting a clock problem.
Drew Lundgren and Joe Mixon assisted Gene Bruce (front) trouble shoot his clock problem.
Wrist watch at the bench being tested for time.
Close up shot of wrist watch timing holder/amplifier.
Watchmaker bench that was recently donated for Chapter use.
President Drew Lundgren opened the session by thanking Edward McDowell and his wife for hosting this year's Xmas gathering as it was truly appreciated by all attendees.  
     There were several new faces at this session as a result of their finding out about us through the Mini Maker Faire and Chapter web site.  They all had clocks that needed identified or had problems that could not be resolved.  Drew Lundgren (Pres) showed members how to drill a centered hole into a steel rod (arbor) using a 6 jawed chuck and Shaun Clarke (VP) gave all clock lovers a chance to identify a chuck that most had never seen before since it is used for working with watch crowns. Geoffrey Parker brought in his recently serviced 400 day clock and was especially proud of it since his main bag is wrist watches and getting them to run is quite different than a watch movement.
     I might add that Shaun and I (Darrah) responded to a couple of requests for assessing watch collections since the last Tech Session.  One was the son of a former NAWCC member that passed away and the other was a non-member with a similar situation.  They had no idea of what to do so sought us out for advice by searching the NAWCC and Chapter web sites.  We gave them pointers on how to identify watches, provided them with references, general values, and suggestions on ways to dispose of their watches.  Both parties appreciated the advice they received and we wish them the very best on dissolving their recently acquired collections.  Chapter 139 members have always made themselves available to all local residents, and in particular Chapter members, in situations such as these at no expense since we consider it a service to the community.  The only down side for those of us that are assessors is that at no time do we attempt the purchase any item since we are the ones laying ground work for their values.  
Tech Session of 1/14/2017
The meeting was called to order at about 8:20 AM with all seats filled.  The attendance was good.   
     We started with discussion about the upcoming One Day Show and Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, February 4th.  Both Marcus Bush and Ben Fulbright gave indications that there'll be some nice things on the mart tables and those include clocks and tools.  The meeting will also include election of three officers.  Ken Arnold has volunteered to run for Secretary,  Giovanni Santarsiere has volunteered to run for Vice President, and sadly we still have no one volunteering for the President position.    
     It was mentioned that NAWCC had not yet posted our Regional on the website.  It was explained that we had submitted approval forms in 2016 for several years of Regionals, and we submitted them again in January 2017 and received approval during the second week of January for our August Regional.  Planning should start soon.
     We spoke about the National Convention in Arlington and our plans to help with unloading and loading.  Ken Arnold will be coordinating that activity as he does so well for our Regional.  Members were encouraged to enter the various craft categories.  It is a great opportunity to show off the good work that our members do.
     We talked about recent classes, including the spring barrel class and the wood works movement class.  Both got excellent reviews.  Thanks to Marcus, Joe and Tim for teaching the spring barrel class, and to John Hardy for the two wooden works classes.   And we talked very briefly about the ongoing "Build Your Own Skeleton Clock" class led by Marcus with some guidance from Del.  Participants in that class stuck around for to work on their clocks.  Darrah announced that he and Shaun will teach another 3/4 plate Elgin class on March 11 and 12.  We also talked about taking up John Hubby on his offer to teach a class on Bulle clocks.
     Geoff Parker reminded people in attendance that it is time to pay dues.  Cash and checks (payable to Chapter 139) are preferred.  If you didn't pay at the Tech Session, you can pay at the One Day Show.
     We thanked Edward McDowell for hosting a great Christmas party at his home in December.   That was a good time, but next year we need for those planning to drink alcoholic beverages to bring their own instead of dipping into the host's private collection.
     We moved on to the show and tell part of the session, starting with Brent and his 1959 Howard Miller map clock.  Fortunately with some troubleshooting he got the moving time scroll behind the map to start moving.   Darrah brought in a safe timer unit from a Cannonball safe.  It had three York timers built into the unit.  Ken Arnold brought in a wooden works stand, built by Sammy who donated it to the Chapter.  It is a really cool design to accommodate the movement and weights (pic below).  That led to a lengthy and educational discussion about repair of wooden works, including pinions and types of bushings.  Val Link showed us a finger ring representing the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers which you sometimes see on Ball pocket watches.  Wayne Denham talked about the Galveston Railroad Museum and the clock we had donated to them.  He brought in a nice article about railroad timekeeping.  Darrah Artzner has volunteered to clean and service the Ball pocket watch used when giving tours at the museum.
     At that time we ended the formal part of the meeting and attendees began working on their clocks and watches.  Marcus brought in a number of clocks from the estate of the late Bonita Spivey and the Chapter purchased a number of these clocks for our Regional silent auction.  We need members to start working on those needing cleaning and/or repair.  Clocks not purchased by the Chapter will be brought to the One Day show for sale.     (Drew Lundgren)
Avin Brownlee's Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman and Engineers ring.
Rear view of Avin's Brotherhood ring.
John Trego explaining the disassembly of a Morbier type Morez clock movement.
Brent Flanak's Howard Miller world time clock.
Sammy Johnson made this wood clock movement stand and donated it to the Chapter.  Thanks, Sammy!
Front view of electric clock that is looking for someone with a working knowledge of how to repair it.
Electric clock back cover with instructions.
Electric clock label on rear of clock.
Rear view of General Electric clock.
Some Seth Thomas watches being assessed.
Gordon and Desmond working on a lathe motor electrical problem.
Del assisting Brent on a lathe problem.
Marcus Bush surprised everyone with an on the spot clock sale.
Dickering on a price.
Looking for a good deal at the on the spot sale.
Some clocks for sale.
Some participants in the 'on-the-spot' clock sale.
Some clock sale residue.
Tech Session of  2/11/2017
This was a very busy session with many members bringing Show & Tell items with some super presentations. (more verbiage to come)
We're ready for the demos!
Waiting for Show & Tell.
Good deal on a watch movement holder.
Examining clock movement.
Healthy discussion.
Showing how to lay out pivot holes.
Drew's demo of a layout tool.
Layout tool.
Geoffrey Parker explaining how to tell the difference between a real and fake Rolex.
Fake Rolex.
Spreading knowledge.
Tim talking about the NAWCC school items being sold off.
Tim gets the last doughnut.
Bill Hardy discussing room for error on watches with others. Maybe that is a bit too much.
At the watch bench.
Shaun identifying a watch for Desmond.
Pocket watch discussion.
Discussing clock problem.
Calendar setting problem.
Marcus and Tony assisting with a calendar setting problem.
Tony working on clock.
Tony working on calendar adjustment.
Val Link brought in his fusee chronometer for Show & Tell and some adjustment.
Val's chronometer.
Chronometer dial
What is it going to take to get this in good working condition?
Restoration for Silent Auction.  Note dial reproduced via Photoshop.
Ready for Regional Silent Auction.
Tech Session of  3/11/2017
Tim Glanzman brought in some lathes and gave attendees a great lesson on their uses, differences and advantages over one another (photo).  He also discussed the use of attachments.

Refer below for Ken Arnold's notes on the session
Ken Arnold's notes from the March 11, 2017 Tech Session;
Pocket watch repair session was in progress, Shaun and Darrah as instructors.
We have 15 silent auction items for the August Show. Three have been repaired and I circle the number on blue tape to indicate they are ready to go. I did try to get several members to take clocks to repair. We need more auction items.
We have 12 volunteers to help unload at the NAWCC national in Dallas. There will be three unloading sites and we will be responsible for one. Carts are being supplied by Dallas host chapter.
Show and Tell;
Geoff showed a German watch and a framed rolls Royce watch parts.
Desmond explained how he repaired a pivot on a skeleton clock that a member broke during the skeleton class.
Desmond repaired the shaft on a KWM bushing tool. This seems to be a design flaw from KWM.
Albert talked about dulling drill bits to used on brass or plastic.
Member? Repaired a golden hour clock by cleaning the old hardened grease out of the motor.
Member? Brought an early bird cage grandfather movement to show members.
Suggestion that members generate a list of items that they are looking for at the national and call people if you find one.
Ralph and Jeff will have a Saturday sidewalk sale on March 18th at there shop on Westhiemer.
Tim gave an excellent presentation on choosing a lathe. He gave handouts that compared the following;  initial price, accessories available and price, accuracy,portability,strength,CNC option, types, jeweler lathe, Sherline, Taig, Unimat, mini lathe (Swig, Grizzly, Harbor Freight, etc.
Tim also handed out a list of manual lathe safety rules.

     (Photo courtesy of Ken Arnold)
Tech Session of  4/08/2017
This Session was electrified by Albert Rambaud's presentation of the testing of an electro-mechanical clock.  He gave details of the circuitry and provided trouble shooting tips.  He also demonstrated  his self built testing device and the principles behind it.  We also had several show and tell items that kept everyone's attention.  The Chapter would also like to thank Albert for donating his stereo microscope to the Chapter and, I am sure it will get plenty of use from the watch folks.
Tech Session of  5/13/2017
This session brought out some interesting items during the Show and Tell section even though it was brief.  Shaun Clarke gave an excellent presentation on the NAWCC Musuem with plenty of photos.  It was just Super!  Several members then dug into their projects while others worked on problems or problem solving.  Gene Bruce surprised everyone by his giving attendees a portable head light.  Thanks Gene!   View the pics form more info.

Sorry folks, got a new camera and not used to it so a couple of shots are out of focus.
Ben Fulbright brought in this unidentifiable item.
What is it?
What is it - hollow end
Shaun Clarke's Blind Man's wrist watch. Front
Shaun's Blind Man's wrist watch with bezel in open position.
Geoff Parker's Wakmann.  Did you know that Wakmann Watch Co. is actually a Breitling prior to WWII.  Well, it is and a very good collectable for quite a reasonable price.
Shaun Clarke gave an excellent presentation on the NAWCC Museum.
Marcus Bush assisting Bill Hardy on skeleton clock.
Tim Glanzman conducting general business meeting.
Val Link giving advice on smelter repair.
Val Link talking about smelter repair and problems encountered in doing it.
Val's dollar watch grab bag.  Actually there were a few runners in there that just needed a cleaning.
Modern reproduction dials shown by Val Link.
Modern reproduction dials back view.
Gene's gift to attendees.
Gene Bruce give away.
Tech Session of  6/10/2017
Albert Rambaud talking about electro-mechanical movements.
Albert getting ready to rewire clcock.
Albert's self built device for trouble shooing electro-mechanicals.
Examples of vintage oils from Ben Fulbright.
Marcus and Gordon scheming something.
Stereo microscope donated by Albert Rambaud.
US Navy clock - front view.
US Navy clock - back view.
Swiss 'US copy' pocket watch. front view.
Swiss 'US copy' pocket watch movement.
Waterbury movement front view.
Waterbury movement back view.  Note the chiming mechanism.
Hey, have I got a deal for you!
Tim's good and best deals.
Board members during meeting
Board members.
Tech Session of  8/12/2017
Tech Session of  7/08/2017
Several members brought in some Show n Tell items that were informative or needed questions answered about them. Refere to the picture gallery for more info.  

Attendees were also given the opportunity to learn about plating from Val Link who has been working with and teaching about precious metals for years. He gave a super demo on how to plate using power from batteries and all the tips that provide excellent results. He bought in worn out watch cases that ended up looking like beauties!

Here are some tips I wrote down while Val gave his demonstration:

Use cyanide solutions for best results (better conductivity). "Don't mix with acid based solutions"
Solutions of copper, silver, nickel and gold. (source jewelry supply)
Rio Grande, Krone web sites and others
Direct current from 3 to 6v. Watch cases use 6v and small parts 3v. If plating has a brown color it is too much voltage (current?) as it is burning.
Make two leads (red) for + and black for -
Brush can be folded over sponge or tight pored seat cushion (spongy) in between alligator clip.
Use a copper wire and form it to fit within a watch case body that make minimal contact.
Most important point is to have it finished perfectly and feather edges of existing plate with worn areas so new plating will blend in with others. Best to plate entire object so no transition edge will be produced.
Use pickling solution to clean if desired (sodium bisulfate). However, any super cleaning will do ok.
Use gloves and good ventilation.
Do copper plating to increase conductivity. Nickel plating used to fill and give better surface when gold plating. Silver under gold is ok too.
Prep process is most important.
Gold anode is best as it replenishes the gold cyanide solution.
Use a buffing stick to burnish after plating. (felt surface)
Brass brush with oil for burnishing.
Power: 6v lantern battery, three c or d battery holder (4.5v), two c or d batteries at 3.v are some choices.
Geoff Parker brought in some interesting watches to show and gave the group the story behind getting good deals on them.  Desmond Rolf brought in a couple of different cutters when doing lathe work and showed how versatile they can be when cutting. Val Link brought in a statue needing an arm attached that he repaired.  John Trego brought in a calendar mechanism the needs parts but doesn't know just what parts.  And, finally Tim Glanzman gave a talk on a China made lathe and what it took to get a good deal.  Click through the photos and enjoy.
The last couple of Tech Session have revealed that new technology in lighting has gained everyone's interest and this session was no exception.  Albert Rambaud brought in a light that attaches to a cap and caught the attention of everyone. It was actually used for shedding some light on a cuckoo clock problem that Joe Mixon fixed.  Then. Geoff Parker presented some good wrist watch deals and explained how they became a reality.  There were several clock problems that I did not have time to detail as it was a busy session.  Sorry about that.  Finally, Tim showed the group shirts that Nita Mixon purchased for the National unloading crew to advertise the All Texas Chapters Regional that will be held next month.  They went well with the white cowboy hats and gave the crew a unified appearance.  They did an excellent job and gave the National a punch in the arm.
Geoff showing his new case back opener.
Case back opener up close.
Gordon and Shaun looking up case back tool for best price on internet.
Swiss Legend.
Swiss exotic watch front.
Swiss exotic watch back (Note the scene, if you dare)
Desmond showing his adjustable lathe cutting tool.
Cutting tool.
Cutting tool.
Cutting tool.
Cutting tool.
Different cutting tool.
Marcus giving group a 'what is it' item.
Fly fishing tying tool or third hand for clockmaker.
Close up view of third hand.
Need parts for this calendar mechanism.
Calendar dial.
Calendar movement.
Mystery clock in for assistance.
Val with repaired statue.
Statue that Val Link repaired.
Repaired statue having broken arm.
Tim's lead in slide of his talk.
Tim Glanzman's talk on China made lathe.
First main slide.
Albert Rambaud showing group his cap light.
Audience checking out the cap light.
Cap light description.
Light on cap.
View of cap light.
Crew passing the cap light.
Avin Brownlee discussing his clock.
Donated lathe from Albert Rambaud.
Jeff and Gordon discussing the brass and glass situation.
Jeff Zuspan preaching to an non- cooperating clock.
Interesting clock stand. (rear view).
Interesting clock stand (front view)
Jeff and Desmond discussing the brass and glass clock.
Joe trouble shooting cuckoo clock.
Giovanni using cap light to help Joe Mixon trouble shoot cuckoo clock.
Joe working on cuckoo clock.
Kenzle clock movement.
Kenzle clock movement front view.
Geoff Parker talking about good deals on wrist watches.
Listern Glashutte
Seiko Brut.
Zenith offset
Sherline lathe drawbar.
Should I eat one or not?
Nita, Bob and Tim.
Tony Tolbert selecting a Silent Auction item to service (background).
Tim holding National unloading crew shirts.
National unloading crew shirt back.
National unloading crew shirt front.
Volunteer Val Link getting his National unloading crew shirt.
Tech Session of  9/9/2017
This was the first Tech Session following the All Texas Chapters Regional that became drenched by Hurricane Harvey causing all events to be terminated prematurely on Friday evening instead of Saturday.  Therefore, Chapter president, Tim Glanzman, took the time to hand out certificate awards to all those present that made the Regional possible.  Tim will get the remaining certificates to those not preset at a later date. Hurricane damage and recovery efforts was discussed at that time as several members reported having damaged homes as well as some of their clocks and watches, the extent of which is unknown at this time.  I hope everyone brushes up on salvaging techniques and gets most back into working time pieces.  If you do not know how to bring a watch or clock back to life or, even determine if one can be revived, contact Joe Mixon or Shaun Clarke.  I feel a mini or even maxi restoration class coming on.
New member signing into log book.
Is it genuine or fake?
Shown for repair suggestions.
New Haven clock.
Early Pop Eye pocket wtch.
Shaun Clarke showing pocket watch main spring winder.
More Show n Tell.
Passing item during Show n Tell.  Clyde Crouch in foreground.
Val Link starting plating demo.
Plating materials.
Val Link demonstrating brush plating.
Val brush plating.
Brush plating detail
Plating detail
Copper plated steel hand.
Brush plated steel gold plated hand.
Gold plated case body on left side only.
Ken Arnold giving report.
Ken Arnold checking Silent Auction items for next year.
Silent Auction items and Ken Arnold.
Gregory, am I in?
Drew receiving Regional award
Regional award to Geoff Parker
Regional award to Ken Arnold.
Regional award to Marcus Bush.
Regional award to Shaun Clarke.
Regional award to Tim Glanzman.
Here are some case restoration suggestions compiled by Bob Holkan.  Click here to view.
Tech Sessions of November through December 2017
Ben beginning the Show and Tell session.
Clock movement stamp.
Clock top view.
Lux clock.
Lux clock top view.
Desmond presenting during Show and Tell.
Tool without knurling process.
Example of knurling.
Knurling tool.
Lux clock movement back plate.
Shaun Clarke inspecting watch for member.
Swatch automatic.
Swatch AG 1991 skeleton shown by Geoff Parker.
Swatch automatic back.
Tim Glanzman discussing cleaners and rinses.
Geoff and Shaun assessing flooded watches.
Geoff and Shaun working on those flooded watches.
Bluing pan made from main spring barrel.
Watch jeweling tool.
Wire stripper and cutter.
Restorer for wood cases.
This session dealt with more show and tell items than usual and three members (Ben, Desmond and Tim) brought in several items for discussion.   Ben Fulbright talked about a Lux movement that was made for the Waterbury Clock Company; Desmond Rolf gave a presentation on a knurling tool and how to use it; and Tim Glanzman spoke about cleaning solutions and rinses.  Shaun Clarke assisted members by inspecting and identifying their watches.  Later on, Shaun got together Geoff Parker and Darrah Artzner to assess approximately 50 pocket watches that were flooded during hurricane Harvey.
Bill showing movement holder.
Circuit board holder used as clock plate holder.
Circuit board holder with clock plate.
Ansonia alarm back.
Ansonia alarm clock with strike function.
Ansonia alarm with strike function front.
Drop and lock excrcise with Drew Lundgren and Edward McDowell.
Early arrivals.
Eating around it.
More early arrivals.
Recent fix of Omega pocket watch by Shaun Clarke.
Shaun's Omega movement.
Rockford 18s model 10 17j two tone movement.
Much in demand Rolex pamphlet.
Stan, Tony, Edward, Bob and Ben.
Still trying to figure out why this is here.
Attentive group.
Sparce but lively crew.
Clock donations and laser cut clock.
Donated items for Chapter sponsored Regional auction.
Ahhh, go for it Bob.
Rockford watches.
Rockfords dial side.
Rockford Indicators
Shaun's restoration project before (dial side).
Shaun's restoration project dial side (after).
Shaun's restoration project before (movement).
Shaun Clarke's restoration project (before, obviously).
Shaun's restoration project of movement (after).
Tim presenting talk on watch and clock resources.
This month's Tech Session brought in a light attendance, due to holiday season activities, of members but boy were they active and full of energy.  Shaun Clarke brought in a beautifully restored pocket watch that had been damaged by the flood waters of hurricane Harvey.  Another member brought in several select Rockford watches to show.  Tim Glanzman gave everyone some ideas on how to find resources, primarily for clocks,  from the internet.
This was a laid back session in which a striking alarm clock, clock plate holder and repaired pocket watch took center stage.  Eating around doughnut holes was also demonstrated.
Tech Sessions of January through March 2018
Basic mechanical micrometer instruction.
Cross slide cutter for lathe.
Hamilton hole gauge.
Lathe steady rest.
Bob Kleeman and Tim Glanzman having a good time.
Tim instructing members on what items to take to a regional show besides money.
Questions from members.
Tim offering suggestions of good reading materials with respect to clock maintenance and repairs.
Tim's tool kit that he takes to regional shows.
Since the Mesquite Regional was coming up the following month, Tim Glanzman gave a talk on what tools and references one might want to take to a NAWCC Regional if seriously interested in shopping for clocks and watches.  Some good ideas were presented when determining the originality and condition of clock movement, watchmaker lathes etc.  Several lathe accessories were presented by members to show others.
Ken Arnold's Seth Thomas clock.
Ken Arnold's clock movement.
Ken Arnold's clock back view.
First camera available for general consumption in the US.
Tony and Edward studying camera.
Ben Fulbright showing neat box.
Ben describing box.
Examining Ben's box.
John Trego inspecting Ben's box.
Ben's box top view.
Side view of Ben's box showing multiple drawers.
Bob Holkan presenting a clock story.
Bob Holkan's iron front clock.
I like this clock so, how do I clean it up?
How can I get battery corrosion removed from this clock?
Rear view of battery corroded clock.
Tim's humpback chime clock front view.
Rear Veiw of Tim's humpback clock showing mechanism.
What a crew!
Members brought in some interesting items for Show and Tell.  As a side note, someone brought in the earliest produced US camera that was available to the general public.  Several members had solutions for removing battery acid corrosion from a movement from physically rubbing it off to dissolving it in various solutions.  No one mentioned that those solutions need to be neutralized with soda solution and I did not have time to present it to the floor for opinions.
Gordon Shahin giving a presentation on how to clean clock parts  using a tumbler (polisher).
Gordon describing the tumbling process.
​I unfortunately did not attend this session and missed out on Gordon Shahin's presentation on how to clean clock parts using a 'rock/gem' tumbler.  I will post a report if I can get one from anyone attending the session.  Marcus Bush supplied the photos.
Tech Sessions of April through June 2018
Members brought in several items for show and tell from mostly wrist watches to an electric alarm clock in a wood case.  Examples of lathe turned hamers, from prior class, were brought in by some of the class participants.  Desmond Rolf brought in the dimension plans used for making them to show what students used as a template.

Over the past few years several members have asked for assistance on their clock movements that house platform or floating balances.  Therefore, I decided to speak about them, in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, so that more knowledgeable decisions can be made when considering the purchase or repair of clocks with these particular movements.
Baume Mercier wrist watch.
Out Of Order wrist watch. Front.
Out Of Order wrist watch. Back.
Ulysse Girard wrist watch.
Lotex alarm clock within a wood case. Front view.
Lotex alarm clock in wood case.  Rear view.
Turned hammers from students that attended lathe class.
Hammer dimensions used by students of lathe class.
New collets for....
Darrah's presentation.
Giving presentation.
'Floating' balance.
Members examining balance.
Talking about it or answering question.
Members attending presentation.
Answering more questions.
Fun crowd.
Listening to question from audience.
Scratching head.
President Tim Glanzman dedicated the session time to assessing all the clocks that will be featured in the Chapter sponsored August Regional Silent Auction. Members critiqued each item to determine its condition and what needed done to bring it up to a decent standard. Members were asked to take a clock for servicing or repair depending on each persons ability. Finally, a tag was placed on each item for identification. An approximate auction starting value was determined based on several members suggestions.

Finally, Brian Martin could not make the December 2017 xmas party due to a scheduling error and missed out on the White Elephant exchange, even though he had given gift. So, Tim had his exchange gift saved back until Brian could make a Tech Session and, this was the one! It took Brian had to unwrap several boxes within boxes but finally got to the main container that had a hand made wall clock. Everyone enjoyed the process he had to go through before getting to his gift. Refer to pictures below.
President Tim Glanzman's letter explaining Regional registration discounts to loyal patrons.  Click button to right for enlargement.
Assessing items for Regional Silent Auction.
Assessing items continued.
Assessing continued.
Discussing item values.
Tagging auction items.
Break time.
Brian Martin getting to unwrap his long awaited xmas present.
Brian unwrapping.
Still going at it.
And more.
Brian, hurry up.......
Brian unwrapping......finally.  Aha...
Val Link's watch case.
Val's open face watch case.
There were several Show & Tell items this month featuring from wrist watches to turned hammers.

Members enjoyed hearing Marcus Bush give a presentation on reproduction versus fake clocks with stories about some of the makers of the clocks shown in the picture gallery below. He defined reproduction as the making of a clock patterned from a famous maker's model but with distinguishing differences not to deceive, and a fake as having been made exactly to the style of a famous maker's model to deceive. He showed examples of differences on several repro clocks that justified their honesty and then asked members to determine a fake clock from a genuine Fashion. Marcus finally had a drawing for a clock in which yours truly won. I now have a super little gift for my granddaughter (pics in the gallery)
Comparing Rolex watches.
Watch that is cased within a case within a case. Edward is working on it.
Edward's watch surrounded by several outer cases in which it is housed.
Two watches and the many cases that enclose them.
President Tim Glanzman introducing Marcus Bush at presentation time.
Charlie Holland repro.
Charlie Holland repro.
Chinese repro single fuse. Helicoil spring.
Chinese repro single fusee.
Del comparing real versus fake Parlor clock styles.
Foster Campos repro.
Foster Campos repro description.
Grasshopper replica 2000.
Grasshopper replica front.
Grasshopper replica right side.
Grasshopper replica left side.
Love it!
Ollie Risinger repro.
Ted Burleigh repro.
Ted Burleigh repro description.
Waltham repro of Simon Willard 1933.
Waltham repro of Simon Willard 1933  description.
Raffle winner of clock.
My piggy bank clock.
Tech Session of July 14, 2018
This Session started with a preliminary assessment of how the Regional preparations were going and then, after an A-OK on the Regional from the president, the Show and Tell parade began.  Several members brought in interesting items with stories to boot.  Here are a few that I recall:  Brian Martin brought in a Woolf advertising clock that had a Kroeber movement in which the maker's name was scratched out.  He also showed a publication mentioning a movement in which the name was also scratched out.  It was stated by someone that these movements were used by Woolf when their standard movement supply was in short supply.  Ben Fulbright brought in a Sunwatch and Tiffany travel clock while Val Link showed a Lionel train clock with original box made circa early nineteen seventies.  Bob Kleeman showed his temperature clock and had a question about it while Darrah Artzner brought in a book he made of his Rockford ephemera.  Photos of these items are presented below.

After the dust settled, Edward McDowell gave members a terrific presentation on how to collect watches and not regret it.  Well, something like that.  Or, maybe it was how to collect watches and not tell ones wife how many one has.  Anyhow, his focus was on custom made recent watches from various artisans and their work places.  Needless to say, everyone was impressed.  View the gallery for more details.  Thanks Edward.  (His presentation is posted in the Education section)
Lionel train clock box brought in by Val Link.
Lionel train clock.
Ansonia Sunwatch booklet.
Ben Fulbright's Sunwatch.
Sterling Tiffany travel clock on loan to Ben Fulbright from Heidi.
Tiffany travel clock case closed.
Brian Martin's Kroeber movement with manufacture name scratched out.
Publication of Woolf advertising clock with Kroeber movement and manufacturer name scratched out.
Bob Holkan and Giovanni Santarisiere examining Kroeber movement.
Bob Kleeman and his temperature clock.
Geoffrey blessing Edward before his presentation. Well, maybe he was explaining the differences in recognizing a fake Rolex.
Fake Rolex.
Fake Rolex back view.
Book of Rockford Watch Company ephemera.
Rockford Watch Company ephemera book inside view.
Edward McDowell giving his presentation.
Edward McDowell presenting.
Edward McDowell.
Lang & Keyne Dresden.
Lange & Keyne custom wristwatch. Back view.
RGM wristwatch.
RGM wristwatch. Back view.
Member Gregory Graham enjoying the program.
Tech Session of August through November 2018
no report
Pendulum adjustment tool made by Desmond Rolf.
Steve Egloff taking an important call or checking watch prices.  Not sure which one.
Steve Egloff's salesman pocket watch case carrier.
Close up view of salesman pocket watch carrier belt stay.
Maker stamp on inside near bottom of salesman pocket watch case carrier.
Multiple stacked trays for different size cases.  It is believed that the carrier was meant for cases only based on what a full case with complete watches would weigh.
This session consisted mainly of presenting Show & Tell items.  No problems were presented at this time.
Restored clock movement by Drew Lundgren.
Joe Mixon checking out the restored clock movement.
Desmond Rolf giving a lathe demo.
Tim Glanzman  (at doorway) addressing a question.
Edward McDowell's McGonigle wrist watch with green lacquered dial.
McGonigle wrist watch back.
Green dial prototype that was made during the development of the McGonigle green dial.
Dan Riley and John Trego setting up for Dan's presentation.
More of Dan and John.
Dan Riley set up Comtoise 3 train clock movement.
Three quarter strike train Comtoise with warning display.
Dan Riley presenting.
The inappropriate use of expandable foam.
Someone used expandable foam to secure weight ends.
Now, who would do such a thing???
Ben Fulbright showing antique molding and its construction
Molding front.
Molding side view.
Waltham 645
Waltham 645 with train on back of case (3 color gold)
Name tag time.  Used to allow new members a chance to ID faces with names.
Shaun Clarke's balance staff classroom demo tool.
Tim Glanzman's frankenclock.
Frankenclock description.
Frankenclock rear.
Frankenclock side.
Tim's $1.00 special tool.
Ships chronometer outer box.
Tim's Waltham ships chronometer.
Tim reading the chronometer label.
Tim says: Here, you read it!
Val Link adapted box for pocket watch transport.
Val's pocket watch box.
Val Link's shipping container for ships chronometer.
Shipping container for transporting a ships chronometer.
Shipping container with original packing material.
The Illinois private label The American Star pocket watch.
Illinois private label The American Star pocket watch movement.
Dan Riley gave a super presentation of his three train strike with warning bell Comtoise clock movement in which very few have been recorded.  What a wonderful piece of machinery.  Check out the pics below for some great examples of the 'ridiculous and the sublime'.
This was a great session for pocket watch enthusiasts since several members brought in good examples of well preserved watches.  President Tim Glanzman talked about future watch, clock and other classes with a request for input.  It appears that there will be at least a half dozen classes for next year if all goes as planned.